
Its okay really... Rhome is just outside of Fort Worth about 30 minutes North on 287.
I know what you mean about the chicken addiction. I have a pen of silkies, pure bred Buffs, Pure Lavenders, Australorps, and I have a pen of EE's, wheat colored and white ones. I am on a search for some Olive Eggers. i have a lady who can send me some eggs from AZ I think she is.
I have chicks hatching as we speak was thinking they were not going to hatch but I was off a day and so relieved was really starting to think it was mean. The first hatch did not go so well. I am hoping they are all hatched tomorrow.
Sounds like you are just like me, always looking for something new to add to the flock. Really been looking at the Lemons they are really pretty, would like to get some black orpington's so I can use them to carry on my lavenders. I am down to 2 hens and 2 roosters, so took 1 rooster out And I might switch the 2 tomorrow not sure or the next day.
I have 2 more roosters to find homes for and I am thinking they are a mixed breed but they are really pretty i think anyway. If we cannot find a home for then I will practice my culling on them before we start doing out Meat Chickens.
I have no idea where a chickens addiction class is in Texas. Maybe we should start one LOL

Let me know how your new chickens are doing.
Yeah; if only chickenitis came with some carpentry skills as a side-effect! I am so lame at building stuff, but at least I try! Gotta go finish the chicken tractor...

Yeah; if only chickenitis came with some carpentry skills as a side-effect! I am so lame at building stuff, but at least I try! Gotta go finish the chicken tractor...

As long as you are proud of what you have built that is all that matters. And we learn by doing trust me LOL. I need to really start getting my coop painted so it will protect the wood alot better on the outside. I have been wrking outside sense
this morning and stopped just long enough to have lunch and then worked till about 4:30. Taking a small break till I get dinner started.
Looking forward to some pics of the tractor when you are done.
Thank you!
The ordinance actually didn't affect me...I am outside of the city (barely) and that was for the city proper. Still happy to have them, tho!

As far as the coop....yeah, don't quite know what I am doing. I think I might, but probably not. :) Any suggestions would be well appreciated!

And glad to have someone close by that can head me in the right direction!

I Love chickens! I'm in Irving tx and have a small yard coop. will house bout five full size hens. However Ive been on a bantam kick lately! Got a dozen polish in the incubator. 21 days is too long!
Hello Everybody,

While I live in Kansas, I come home often to Dallas. I will be making the trip the end of may and was wondering if anyone in the Dallas Fort worth area, would be interested in a
rooster. He is only 6-8 weeks old. His name is Leroy and he as already started crowing. He is really a sweet guy, kinda shy at first but settles almost immediately. I think he will be a Sicilian Buttercup, I got him from a pullet bin at the feed store here. They get there chicks from Ideal Poultry. If you are interested at all let me know! I want him to go to a good home, I can not have him in Wichita city limits

Free Rooster
Free Rooster
Free Rooster
Free Rooster

PS...Leroy ROCKS MY SOCKS OFF, and I am sure you will agree if you choose to take him!!

Look at that face! What a cutie!! I wish we could keep one in the city where I live. GL finding a place for him.

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