
I really, REALLY want an Emu.. But where would I put it? With the horses in the back? What a sight THAT would be! I only have 4 acres! lol... Now if I move back to the 40 acre plot... -shifty eyes-
I have been on BYC for a little over a year now and just found this thread! I am Rachael and live half way between Oak Hill and Dripping Springs (Oak Hill is Southwest Austin). I had a really bad hatching time last year, ended up with 1 Roo and 4 hens out of 5 dozen that I set at different times. However, this year that all changed, 100% hatch rate out of my Barred Plymouth Rock Hen crossed with my Barnevelder Roo, 100% survivor rate on my shipped 13 Silver Penciled Plymouth Rocks, and 80% on my shipped hatching eggs of Barnevelder. Plus I just got 17 hatching eggs set today they are Pure Barenevelders from Trisha
(on this forum she has some of the BEST Barnies). I can only keep 3 Roos and 9 hens, so hey if anyone is interested.....
Good thing is I my ratio of Roos to Hens is not that bad this year.

I also REALLY want goats, we have 5 acres so there is plenty of room but DH does not want any more animals. We have 3 German Shepherds and he is worried they might try to eat them.

Good to see so meet so many Texans
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I have been on BYC for a little over a year now and just found this thread! I am Rachael and live half way between Oak Hill and Dripping Springs (Oak Hill is Southwest Austin). I had a really bad hatching time last year, ended up with 1 Roo and 4 hens out of 5 dozen that I set at different times. However, this year that all changed, 100% hatch rate out of my Barred Plymouth Rock Hen crossed with my Barnevelder Roo, 100% survivor rate on my shipped 13 Silver Penciled Plymouth Rocks, and 80% on my shipped hatching eggs of Barnevelder. Plus I just got 17 hatching eggs set today they are Pure Barenevelders from Trisha
(on this forum she has some of the BEST Barnies). I can only keep 3 Roos and 9 hens, so hey if anyone is interested.....
Good thing is I my ratio of Roos to Hens is not that bad this year.

I also REALLY want goats, we have 5 acres so there is plenty of room but DH does not want any more animals. We have 3 German Shepherds and he is worried they might try to eat them.

Good to see so meet so many Texans
hi rachels. i live south of fort worth. i just wanted to say that i want to get goats too. hubby hasn't bought into the idea yet. we have two german shepherds. i think they might be good herders for the goats. given enough training of course.
Rachel, where did you say you lived? Because I may have to come steal that male... He reminds me so much of my childhood GSD. He died a few years ago at 13 and still weighed in at 125!
I will give you my exact address but good luck stealing him
We have his daughter who look EXACTLY like him, she is only 7 months old and is as tall as her mom, but much more stout. They are all DDR lines, so big bonded and a strong prey drive, which has it's pluses and minuses. The daughter is good with the chickens, but then again she was raised with them on the property. As for mom and dad, they never meet chickens until the were both a couple of years old and chickens to them are prey. So when I let the chickens out to free range, I lock up mom and dad in kennels. They have a 5 foot pen that they normally stay in, but I know they can jump it so it is not worth the risk.
No a Chi/Terrier mix is much more terrifying!!!!!! In what we call our "original dogs", the ones we got when my DH and I first moved into together, we had 2 large dogs, 1 Chi and 3 Jack Russell Terriers. It was the little ones you had to worry about if they did not know you
Only 1 Jack Russell, out of that whole group, is still alive and she is fading fast she is 15 YOS. I don't expect her to make it much longer, the vet pretty much told us to put her down due to what might be a tumor on her shoulder, but as long as she can pee and poo on her own and she recognizes us and wags her tail and still wants to eat, then I said nope, we will just make her as comfortable as possible. However, the second she stops eating we will know it is time.
anyone near Dallas, Rockwall, or Plano/Murphy? Im in Wylie and am bored outta my nut. ;)

I have a little 2 acre mini farm (does having 1 dog, 30+ chickens and a vegie garden count as a mini farm?)

Anyone near me?

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