
Still raining here in Seguin, gusty winds but not near as bad as yesterday. Still have heavy rain bands coming through periodically. Houston, Galveston is getting the brunt now, with flooding.
Thank you for checking in Sean, so glad to hear that you are okay and made it through the night. Hope you got a little rest last night. Do you know how your roof is doing? And more importantly how are you doing?
Im doing ok. I haven't been able to actually get on the roof to check damage. On the other end of the house, it has major damage (shingles blown off) and rain is seeping into the ceiling. Went up in the attic and put a tarp down and created a funnel to direct it into a 55 gallon trash can. Other than that, Im just worried for all my birds. Pheasants are pretty hardy birds but being in a constant shower isn't a good thing. They just don't understand that the shealtered part of the pen is where their suppose to stay and get outta the rain.LOL I moved my rare birds into the garage and in a barn. Hopefully, the forecast is wrong and Harvey moves on out sooner than they predicted.
Sounds like you are doing all the right things under the circumstances, glad you got your rare birds inside and hope the others are ok. I hope the forecast is wrong also. Just be safe, Sean.
Yall are fun! I couldnt care less what yall call me, as long as you call me. ;) I'm no hero, just protective of my friends and family. You'd have to be made of stone to turn these people away. It's that bad out there. And I fear this is just going to get worse.

Had to limit the weather coverage to one TV in one room (new house rule) to help decrease the stress of some of my new flock. I'm not sleeping much, but that's ok. Lucky I'm a "1337" gamer (that's pronounced LEET) and have a few gaming rigs. Rainy and wet here, so the kids and a few adults have something to do o help keep their minds off real life.

I'm worried about several folks from these boards. I hope my inbox blows up in a day or two. That'll mean they are ok.

Every breath I take now is with a little prayer. But this too shall pass. The folks of the Gulf Coast are strong and resourceful, brave and generous. It WILL be ok, just gonna take a while.
Yall are fun! I couldnt care less what yall call me, as long as you call me. ;) I'm no hero, just protective of my friends and family. You'd have to be made of stone to turn these people away. It's that bad out there. And I fear this is just going to get worse.

Had to limit the weather coverage to one TV in one room (new house rule) to help decrease the stress of some of my new flock. I'm not sleeping much, but that's ok. Lucky I'm a "1337" gamer (that's pronounced LEET) and have a few gaming rigs. Rainy and wet here, so the kids and a few adults have something to do o help keep their minds off real life.

I'm worried about several folks from these boards. I hope my inbox blows up in a day or two. That'll mean they are ok.

Every breath I take now is with a little prayer. But this too shall pass. The folks of the Gulf Coast are strong and resourceful, brave and generous. It WILL be ok, just gonna take a while.
Love you, Wink. Glad to hear you are still ok. Kiki is too. So far.
Yall are fun! I couldnt care less what yall call me, as long as you call me. ;) I'm no hero, just protective of my friends and family. You'd have to be made of stone to turn these people away. It's that bad out there. And I fear this is just going to get worse.

Had to limit the weather coverage to one TV in one room (new house rule) to help decrease the stress of some of my new flock. I'm not sleeping much, but that's ok. Lucky I'm a "1337" gamer (that's pronounced LEET) and have a few gaming rigs. Rainy and wet here, so the kids and a few adults have something to do o help keep their minds off real life.
No one who has been through this sleeps much while it is going on. Or just before or after for that matter. DH going to get daughter, we are starting to get a few heavy feeder bands in New Orleans,( went to a sleepover last night and is getting antsy) but our forecast for the next week is far better than it was. Still very worried about Texas. Texted good friend in Pensacola,whose brothers live in Austin, they are all okay. As long as we don't get too much rain and our pumps hold up we should be okay. You are still my hero. LOL stay safe and let the kids play board games, computer games, whatever to keep them occupied. Excellent idea to have news on, using only 1 TV in the house. Again stay safe and know we are still praying for you all.
Sorry, No one sleeps through this, or before or after for that matter, great idea to keep kids busy and limit TV news to 1 TV. You are still my hero, stay safe and know that we are all still praying for all in SE Texas. Our forecast is looking a little better. Still worried about y'all. Again stay safe, sounds like you are handling it well, under the circumstances.

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