
Hi Fellow Texans,

I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe. I live in the DFW area and someone suggested I add my post here. Hopefully I do this correctly. I have 1 four month old Frizzle Serama Cockerel and 2 three month old ayam cemani cockerels. We hatched the Serama and purchased the cemanis from a breeder. I would be happy to take a road trip if needed to provide them with a good home/homes. Anyone interested?

Those AC roosters are very tempting, but I'm already working around having one EE roo crop up in my pullet order. Going to try a homemade no crow collar. If that fails, it's freezer camp for the lovely fellow. No point in me adding to the problem. But such pretty shinies!
I know i cant yell at the thing HATCH ME A CHICK!!!!!! And trust me I know a thing or two about fertilization. giggity
I said i was new to chickens not life people. I asked for a simple opinion on which breed is good for hatching chicks.And by the way i did learn to swim by just jumping in.
LOL....we sometimes get too cautious because of bein on here readin other people who end up with dead chickens because they didn't prepare...so I guess we assume most new people here are new to chickens. Please forgive us. You're gonna get about 100 people tellin you their particular breed is good for hatchin chicks. What you want is a breed that goes broody often (Silkies), are good mothers (Silkies) and blends in with the rest of your crowd (not Silkies) :lau. Just kiddin. I have friends that only have Silkies and some with a few Silkies mixed in with their other hens (though they keep the Silkies separate). My Orpingtons have been great mommas though they have not been exceptionally broody. You don't want a hen that is broody ALOT (Silikies) cause then you're fightin tryin to keep them from bein broody. Also with Silkies....at least as far as my friends who have them, don't mix well with another breed rooster. As a matter of fact one of my friend has Silkes (no rooster for them) for them to raise chicks only. So many options. My Ameraucanas have turned out to be the broodiest and mean as heck when I try to take their eggs because I don't want them raising chicks durin a certain time of year. They will take hide off my my arm and hands so I wear welding gloves to get their eggs durin that time. :lauGeez I love my chickens....:love. BTW, many hybrids have had the broodiness bred out of them because people just want eggs. So do some research on broody egg layers and go forth and raise them....just make sure you take pics and let us ooooh and aaahhhh:love
LOL....we sometimes get too cautious because of bein on here readin other people who end up with dead chickens because they didn't prepare...so I guess we assume most new people here are new to chickens. Please forgive us. You're gonna get about 100 people tellin you their particular breed is good for hatchin chicks. What you want is a breed that goes broody often (Silkies), are good mothers (Silkies) and blends in with the rest of your crowd (not Silkies) :lau. Just kiddin. I have friends that only have Silkies and some with a few Silkies mixed in with their other hens (though they keep the Silkies separate). My Orpingtons have been great mommas though they have not been exceptionally broody. You don't want a hen that is broody ALOT (Silikies) cause then you're fightin tryin to keep them from bein broody. Also with Silkies....at least as far as my friends who have them, don't mix well with another breed rooster. As a matter of fact one of my friend has Silkes (no rooster for them) for them to raise chicks only. So many options. My Ameraucanas have turned out to be the broodiest and mean as heck when I try to take their eggs because I don't want them raising chicks durin a certain time of year. They will take hide off my my arm and hands so I wear welding gloves to get their eggs durin that time. :lauGeez I love my chickens....:love. BTW, many hybrids have had the broodiness bred out of them because people just want eggs. So do some research on broody egg layers and go forth and raise them....just make sure you take pics and let us ooooh and aaahhhh:love
Would you recommend Silkies?

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