
I wonder if this would work to keep the girls in as well? I have a large run of 4' farm fence but there is a large bradford pear tree in the run so i cannot cover it. I lose my girls when they hop the fence and free range. If one of my dogs see it he will bring me the hen to be helpful. Sometimes they survive his help, sometimes not. :(
Such a sweet helper you have.
It will require a lot more staffing and of course that has to be budgeted, so I'd also expect permit and NPIP fees to go up if that happens. And what is the punishment? A fine? Jail time?
This is Texas, if they follow TCEQ's example you are supposed to self report yourself for a trivial fine.


After all we are talking about policing a business here in the "Business Friendly" State. Also since the shale plays have taken off since 2008 TCEQ's budget has been slashed in half, boggles the mind how that can work.
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hehehe ... I SHOULD say four, since that is our city limit ... but I have appreciative neighbors who like eggs ... I have 11 beautiful girls ... no roosters.
Don't worry...we are family here on the Texas thread...we will not rat you out!

What breed/s do you have?

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