
It's not nice to fool mother nature🤔😒🙄
"Not suppose" are the magic words.
Plan for the best, and expect the worst. I'm the Debbie downer on this. I feel it's gonna get colder than forecast says.🤷‍♂️
I got some indoor propane heaters after that last frozen tundra, but I still don't want that crap again
I got some indoor propane heaters after that last frozen tundra, but I still don't want that crap again
I had 2 Dearborn heaters and a fireplace and I don't want that crap again, either....I'd just rather not have to use that many resources to stay warm.
ETA- We only had rolling black outs, lasting from 15 mins to 45 minutes but that was long enough to freeze the pipes in the well house.
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I had 2 Dearborn heaters and a fireplace and I don't want that crap again, either....I'd just rather not have to use that many resources to stay warm.
ETA- We only had rolling black outs, lasting from 15 mins to 45 minutes but that was long enough to freeze the pipes in the well house.
We were without power and water (the city water is pumped into the water tower from a spring, these geniuses forgot to turn on the generator and it frozen🤦‍♀️) for 9 days. We melted snow on our gas stove/oven to flush toilets, wash dishes, and take whores bathes. It was quite the shit show but we managed to make it work, just don't want a repeat!
I still dont believe-its gonna get worse than they say!

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