
I have a long hair black cat-patty.
I'm trying to shave/trim her belly, legs, and neck. To lessen hair balls, tangles, and help her stay cooler this summer. Any suggestions on how to hold her and trim her at the same time?
Some cats react well to trimmers. Some really don't. If yours doesn't, try wrapping her in a towel and doing it one part at a time.
... Ngl, of I have to bring out the trimmers, I bring out the husband to trim while I hold the cat.
Six of my cats are ok with me or my brother trimming with electric trimmers. The newest stray/drop off is not yet. But we don't have strong repor with him yet.

I do a test run on how he/she reacts to clippers. And its probably a two person job unless he/she will lay still while you do it. I only have one that does that for me. The clipping process was just too ticklish?
Six of my cats are ok with me or my brother trimming with electric trimmers. The newest stray/drop off is not yet. But we don't have strong repor with him yet.

I do a test run on how he/she reacts to clippers. And its probably a two person job unless he/she will lay still while you do it. I only have one that does that for me. The clipping process was just too ticklish?
I think it's the vibrations, and noise. But my cats are a bit spoiled, and they might just not want to hold still cause I'm doing something wierd again. Lol
I tried and she squirmed and wiggled.
Sooooo, last night I turned trimmers on, laid them on the floor near patty. They buzzed, vibrated..... she was curious after a while, got up smelled clippers, several times, gently swatted, smelled some more, laid back down and watched em.
This morning, grabbed clippers and cat, got "most" of what I wanted cut before she got squirmy and wanted down.
where are you that y'all got rain yesterday.

I can't speak to chickens, but the ducks lay small small eggs like that the first egg of the season. This year I had one completely round and it had a very lobulated yolk. For those of you into lab medicine, it reminded me of a neutrophil nucleus.
The rain was last week. It just dried out enuff to try to "fix" drainage

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