
With a daddy like this you know they'll be handsome 😍
Gosh, he's gorgeous!
the sopranos smoking GIF

Hi all.
I'm in central texas (Waco). And looking for someone who may have some Welsh harlequins duckling or haching eggs in my area. If know of anyone please have them contact me.
Atlas Homestead in Cooper, Texas, has Welsh Harelquins.
Maybe waxing would be a better idea? (No shaving bumps & stubble.)
I thought about a waxing. But this thing is thin skinned an I'm concerned about taking skin off. Best to be cautious.

Also, the real chicken hatch mates have all learned how to go into the coop. This leaves the sole silkie outside on the steps. I'm afraid it may be challenged. Gets to the step, but not inside. So close too. I'm concerned.

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