
Boiling water.

How long does it usually take for them to leave or die? I've got my teapot on the stove right now getting hot. I'll let ya'll know how it works. Thanks for the tip! :)

Well, it has taken me 2 hours to get to where I could type all of this.... DH calls out to me to come to him if he can't hear me.
My DH does not do sick very well. Must be a man thang!!

I did a search and some say chickens will eat ants some say they won't. General consensus though is that they won't eat enough to make a difference. Hope someone has a good solution. Will try boiling water but I can't see that doing anything but possibly making them relocate. And by relocate I don't mean far enough away.

I've heard they will and they won't. I've read that fire ants have a bitter taste, so chickens don't like them as well. I would rather kill them. Fire ants are bad news and I doubt a chicken can eat them faster than they can crawl/sting them.

I'm going to give the boiling water a try. I would rather use that around the coop. I would feel awful if one of the chicks got a hold of ant poison. I'll save it for other areas.

No rain yet.
Fire ants are about the hardest things to get rid of around here. Boiling water does not work at all in the summer. Since there is no water on the surface ground they go deep down and chances of killing the queen are pretty slim. The mound just moves and within a week or two is back up in numbers. I try to avoid chemicals at all cost for most things, but I HATE those dang things, so in the morning I will put some on a small lid and place it near the mound. Then when I get home, before I let the chickens out for rang, I pick up the lid if there is anything left. My chickens do not eat ants, I have tried to get them to but nope....
Best of luck!
How long does it usually take for them to leave or die? I've got my teapot on the stove right now getting hot. I'll let ya'll know how it works. Thanks for the tip! :)

I'm going to give the boiling water a try. I would rather use that around the coop. I would feel awful if one of the chicks got a hold of ant poison. I'll save it for other areas.
I used a couple of big soup pots, a lot more than a tea pot. I'm a live and let live kind of person and tend to just avoid ant nests, but I think I need to get rid of a few nests around the house.
Finally got us a good rain here of course it came with hail and high winds but I aint picky I need the rain for the garden lol
Well, we haven't gotten any here yet. Been waiting for the rain and putting off watering the garden and flowers but I gave in about an hour ago.... so everyone in my area can thank me when it rains..... that kind of works like washing your car LOL

How long does it usually take for them to leave or die? I've got my teapot on the stove right now getting hot. I'll let ya'll know how it works. Thanks for the tip! :)

My DH does not do sick very well. Must be a man thang!!

I've heard they will and they won't. I've read that fire ants have a bitter taste, so chickens don't like them as well. I would rather kill them. Fire ants are bad news and I doubt a chicken can eat them faster than they can crawl/sting them.

I'm going to give the boiling water a try. I would rather use that around the coop. I would feel awful if one of the chicks got a hold of ant poison. I'll save it for other areas.

No rain yet.
yes I think it is a man thing.... when I am sick he is good for about 24 hours of sympathy and then I better feel better. LOL I can't believe we didn't get any rain from everything the weather man said all this week. LOL
Ok, I'm going to give at least one a try this year. One out of three should be a pullet, right?
I'm curious to know how that works for you. With my luck non will be pullets.

Sinatra is awesome! I like Rockabilly stuff, and I love 50s music.
I love the music from the 30's and 40's. The War music was so great. Love Big Band. I have a collection of old 78rpm records and a wind up record player to play them on. :)

Finally got us a good rain here of course it came with hail and high winds but I aint picky I need the rain for the garden lol
Wow! We just got about a half inch of rain and a tornado warning. The tornado is north and east of here so I am not in any danger.
There is a swarm of bumble bees around my coop area. I mean there is a lot of them and a few red wasps. How do I get ride of them??? I am allergic to stings and I am not afraid of using what I need to kill them but I have no idea what I can use that wont harm my chickens when I get to put them out there. So I need something that will kill the bee but want hang around when I put the chickens out there in a few days. If I get hit by a couple of them, I will end up in the hospital. Any ideas??
I'm curious to know how that works for you. With my luck non will be pullets.

I love the music from the 30's and 40's. The War music was so great. Love Big Band. I have a collection of old 78rpm records and a wind up record player to play them on. :)

Wow! We just got about a half inch of rain and a tornado warning. The tornado is north and east of here so I am not in any danger.

Big Band, Love it. I told my son they needed to play that kind of music at their wedding! Love dancing to it. By the way, I love your aviator pic. voices in your head! LOL

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