
I have a question, I have barred rocks from Ideal, and one already has all its feathers and is a bit darker than the other 3. The other three already have sickle feathers. Does this mean it should be a female?I can't do pics right now cuz my phone digitizer is out.
Had to share.

My 5 day old granddaughter.
Oh, this melts my heart.

soo sweet
I have a few months to figure it out. Eight foot fence high enough to keep them in?
Mine don't fly..but they're also heavier breeds. Or maybe they have no desire to get to the neighbors labs? lol
I have 6ft. Although I DID have one of my girls flutter to the top of my 6ft chain link pen.
She wouldn't let me catch her for bed so I let her have her way and left her out..guess she got lonely.

Had to share.

My 5 day old granddaughter.
Oh, this melts my heart.
Oh my goodnesssss!!

I also got two faverolle pullets a week or so after you from Ideal and they look pretty much the same in coloring as yours. I would also say I wouldn't recommend them in a mixed flock. I had to separate them from the other 7 as they are smaller and not as assertive and they aren't feathering in as fast so I was afraid of them being picked on. The mix is not particularly pushy birds either- orps, brahmas and EEs
Yeah...I've heard about that :/ My Silkie had the same issue. Maybe they will give her some company. They'll free range so hopefully they'll have their space..

I have a question, I have barred rocks from Ideal, and one already has all its feathers and is a bit darker than the other 3. The other three already have sickle feathers. Does this mean it should be a female?I can't do pics right now cuz my phone digitizer is out.
In theory, yes. Barred Rock pullets are usually darker than males. She should also be behind them in comb and waddle development. But there are other signs, so it's always hard to tell for sure without a picture
We got our first egg! It's from a 21.5 week old Easter Egger Bantam. I had a game cam on the nest boxes, but after getting over 1000 photos in one day because they decided to hang out a lot in the coop that day, I turned the frequency down. So, wouldn't you know it, my only shot of a chicken in the nest box was of its rear end as it climbed in and I have two that look just alike from that angle. So, it was either Cinnamon or Sugar, but not sure who. Since there will now be real action, I have changed my settings so it will at least take 3 shots at a time and hopefully get a side shot.

I am so proud of it - I think this must be like parents with their new babies - they just think they have the prettiest most perfect one!


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