
Hi folks...I'm only 113 posts behind....
Glad to say that so far for us, the storm has not been too bad. The rain we got over Memorial weekend was much worse. We had days after days where everything was a swamp. Every egg had to be washed because of dirty feet. Everyone stayed up in the chicken house mostly. Bought 15 bags of coarse pine bark mulch to put down in the small pen, so the cochins could get their feet dry. They are now 10 weeks old and adorable bundles of fluff. My DH is in love with them. He goes down every night to check on them and move them to the roost. They want to sit on the perch near the outside wire and he fears for them.

Our chick flock is doing great, Started with 26 and still have them all, they are healthy and so active... and growing fast! The Jersy giants are the most curious chicks I've every had. The Americaunas look like little owls and they are so big! Can't seem to feed them all enough. Boy can they ravage some ears of corn...the first time was funny, it took a couple of the brave ones to peck the kernals and all of a sudden "Hey!!! This is good stuff" and it was a mob scene....they were like pirahnas...in a few minutes it was nothing but a bare cob!
Already planning the third building for them. It's a good thing we are retired folks...could never take care of all them other wise. Oh and we have two good eggs under our broody Belle (see my avatar) she set them for 8 days and DH candled them last night.

Just popped in to post a little news from north Montgomery county...will try to post some pics of the gang later tonight. Pray all stay safe and your hens don't start growing webbed feet....they will think they are ducks.
We got mostly missed too. 1 inch over the course of the day. I haven't gotten any notification from Ideal Poultry yet and I'm supposed to go pick up my chicks tomorrow. Bill goes over Cameron around 1 am tonight (tomorrow morning? <g>) Hopefully they don't get flooded out!
We got mostly missed too. 1 inch over the course of the day. I haven't gotten any notification from Ideal Poultry yet and I'm supposed to go pick up my chicks tomorrow. Bill goes over Cameron around 1 am tonight (tomorrow morning? <g>) Hopefully they don't get flooded out!

I love my Chicks from Ideal they are wonderful and healthy.
I had them shipped and got lots of *packing Peanuts* so next time I think I will make the drive too its not like Texas is a big state or nothin.
Its only about 2 hours from my house.
bnjrob - I have forgotten how to compress an image without having a program to do it for me, or without zipping it which wouldn't upload either. I'll just have to wait until they get the mibile glitch fixed.

NickyPick - There are some places between Houston and Cameron that have road closures due to flooding. Check the TX DOT website for any closures on your route.
We've been lucky here so far. We got 1/2" rain yesterday, and today it's just been light rain so far. We are under a severe storm warning. A good size band is heading out way, so we should get some heavy rain out of it.

Since I'm not able to work on my coop, been doing some much needed housework.
Of course, I would rather be outside working. Need to finish so that I can get my new chicks in. Looking to purchase some Crested Cream Legbars in the next few weeks. Has anyone here dealt with them? Would like some first hand knowledge on temperment. I like the Cream's, but more partial to the Crele colored ones.
Good idea. I checked, but nothing came up on SH 36 for the whole route, so it looks like it's ok.

The news I hears earlier was that Sealy had a lot of flooding and Bellville had some. I know it was clear from Somerville into Brenham. There is one low spot heading into Milano from Caldwell. Haven't driven the route in wet weather. It is overcast but have not seen a significant amount of rainfall since sunrise.
Turned out to be a nice trip. On and off light rain up to Brenham, then one hard shower as we drove around town and as soon as we hit the north side, it stopped and by the time we got to Cameron, it was sun shiny and perfect. Got my peeps and only a few sprinkles around Hempstead on the way home.


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