
Thanks AllenK -- that means I have to chop it up -huh? :sick
Hehe if not too grossed out by the thought;) free and varied chicken treats are their own reward. Try the last 2 inches of tail first, then see how ya feel about it!

edit-btw your signature says you are up to the task! "umwirfed" I would translate as throw(literal) or bring you down. We english speakers express it differently. Killed, die, murdered all those variants for death are expressed with other word choices in my personal experience.
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Thank you AllenK - and my chickens thank you....:bow
There are times when a slight nudge can remove one from their position as a complete wuss.
For me it was a scissors and cut in - as you say - a few inch sized portions distributed among the chickens. As blood and intestines come out....Oh so gross. But for the good of our chickens we are able to rise to many occasions.

Should have cut smaller pieces so there would be more sharing and less big segments of snake in the gullets...better insure that they have a lot of grit now - huh? And as you observe far better than the buzzards, and next to be consumed by humans via the eggs. -- Speaking of which I'm inundated with eggs right now. Due to have 11 chickens rehomed soon - and that will make the egg (and the care) situation more manageable.

And here are a couple shots of the teeth I tried to get...they do indeed have tiny teeth I hadn't seen, that are just like needles:


Thanks for the linguistic insights!

Lately I've shot 3 possums that wandered into unbaited traps, and butchered and pelted a chicken, had a hawk kill one of my hens -- because I foolishly left a door open. I'm tired and sick of all the killing/death just around the chicken yard. However, in this case -- it was well worth it for the way the chickens had fun running around with hunks of snake in their beaks. I always wonder about that technique -- but it eventually seems that they find a place and a few seconds to gulp down the whole, mouse, snake in this case or whatever -- It is something I should have gotten a video of.
Yeah I zoomed way in on the picture and I think I can see it's tiny little razor teeth. I think you'll be just fine.

ETA didn't realize we had gone to the next page lol I zoomed in on the original pic but thanks for the update. Glad you got a chicken snack out of it.
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Thank you AllenK - and my chickens thank you....:bow
There are times when a slight nudge can remove one from their position as a complete wuss.
For me it was a scissors and cut in - as you say - a few inch sized portions distributed among the chickens. As blood and intestines come out....Oh so gross. But for the good of our chickens we are able to rise to many occasions.

Should have cut smaller pieces so there would be more sharing and less big segments of snake in the gullets...better insure that they have a lot of grit now - huh? And as you observe far better than the buzzards, and next to be consumed by humans via the eggs. -- Speaking of which I'm inundated with eggs right now. Due to have 11 chickens rehomed soon - and that will make the egg (and the care) situation more manageable.

And here are a couple shots of the teeth I tried to get...they do indeed have tiny teeth I hadn't seen, that are just like needles:
View attachment 1269845
View attachment 1269846
Thanks for the linguistic insights!

Lately I've shot 3 possums that wandered into unbaited traps, and butchered and pelted a chicken, had a hawk kill one of my hens -- because I foolishly left a door open. I'm tired and sick of all the killing/death just around the chicken yard. However, in this case -- it was well worth it for the way the chickens had fun running around with hunks of snake in their beaks. I always wonder about that technique -- but it eventually seems that they find a place and a few seconds to gulp down the whole, mouse, snake in this case or whatever -- It is something I should have gotten a video of.
You are so inspirational, I bet you had a good laugh too watching those hens. It had to have been a great bonding experience for you all. Keep up the good fight!
Ok fellow Texans I'm posting about me personally. I saw the weather report for the coming week and it is so booring.... here is a screenshot:

Thankfully no heat or AC will be needed for these temps and I can keep the doors and windows open for the next week so my hens can come in and yell at me for not having replaced the night time bugs on an appropriate schedule.
Thank you AllenK - and my chickens thank you....:bow
There are times when a slight nudge can remove one from their position as a complete wuss.
For me it was a scissors and cut in - as you say - a few inch sized portions distributed among the chickens. As blood and intestines come out....Oh so gross. But for the good of our chickens we are able to rise to many occasions.

Should have cut smaller pieces so there would be more sharing and less big segments of snake in the gullets...better insure that they have a lot of grit now - huh? And as you observe far better than the buzzards, and next to be consumed by humans via the eggs. -- Speaking of which I'm inundated with eggs right now. Due to have 11 chickens rehomed soon - and that will make the egg (and the care) situation more manageable.

And here are a couple shots of the teeth I tried to get...they do indeed have tiny teeth I hadn't seen, that are just like needles:
View attachment 1269845
View attachment 1269846
Thanks for the linguistic insights!

Lately I've shot 3 possums that wandered into unbaited traps, and butchered and pelted a chicken, had a hawk kill one of my hens -- because I foolishly left a door open. I'm tired and sick of all the killing/death just around the chicken yard. However, in this case -- it was well worth it for the way the chickens had fun running around with hunks of snake in their beaks. I always wonder about that technique -- but it eventually seems that they find a place and a few seconds to gulp down the whole, mouse, snake in this case or whatever -- It is something I should have gotten a video of.
Definate yes to the grit I have seen peoples pictures of non grit eating snakes pooped out by a chicken!

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