
I'm kinda cheap like @RUNuts I grab those free if you might have a cold N95 masks(from the VA) whenever I'm going mucking. Usually by the time it needs done it is already past due and reeks bad. I do add some lavender oil extract to the inside of those masks. Then the smell doesn't bother me as much.

This coop(being built) is going to have loads of ventilation with hardware cloth so will most likely still actively grow grass.
Tomorrow at 1400 my silkies go on lockdown in the bator. Also, seems like I have a serama/game hen mix that has flown in and adopted us. I have a couple more neighbors to chase down and ask before I decide that she is allowed to stay. Wifey says that young hen can stay so if I can't find her home guess I'll be stuck with another chicken.

How is everyone else's chicken experience going?

Late Late edit..... I think its a young Golden Sebright(after more research) referring to the hen(he/she/it) that seems to have flown in. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sebright_chicken Initially I thought it belonged to our neighbor as my wife reported seeing seeing it in his yard last week, getting overmated by his 10-12 pound roos. Rgeardless, I am no chicken expert and still got the training wheels on here! I'll post a picture of it tomorrow in daylight and let the experts call it's breed or mutt status.
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Here are the promised adoptee "Six photobombed me on one of the shots. Also he/she is very shy around humans so I need to use a lens with more reach than can reach out and touch him/her nice and tight. Next to my 5-5.5 pound girls this one is tiny. So lets play name that mutt!

Ok went with a longer lens, and cracked open a can of cat food. That did the trick and here are the results(of mah smart thinkin):


I see no evidence of spurs or bumps in any of these photos, all I can say for sure is Bantam. May the best chicken geek win! Oh and the most accurate mutt guesser wins a "totally off brand can of of................................. Shineola"!
I see no evidence of spurs or bumps in any of these photos, all I can say for sure is Bantam. May the best chicken geek win! Oh and the most accurate mutt guesser wins a "totally off brand can of of................................. Shineola"!

Looks like a black breasted red (BBR) Old English Game bantam. May or may not be pure. Most of my flock is OEGB (about 45/57)

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