
I'll take this to mean you are ready to home all the roosters with yours. :D

Now, what was that about building another coop?
LOL I'll send em all to you, we will cross that bridge as needed. Plus remember I got a flock of ladies already who can teach them proper etiquette! They aren't even in the same weight class, plus just like the Write brothers possess the magic of flight! Or cull for behavioral issues or make a bachelor pad.
Or cull for behavioral issues or make a bachelor pad.
They will be culled for culinary issues. That is kinda like behavioral issues, right? ;)

The spring flowers are loving the rain.
Spring just got to you in SE Texas? We have that in the rear-view just turned on the A/C first time this year at around 5PM. I am going to miss having the windows and doors open. Still 2 hours of AC a day isn't too shabby.

To be honest having the front porch door closed isn't too bad as I get tired of mine looking in and telling me all about their egg for the before and after part. Sumatra Hens have good strong lungs.
We have new babies!
Kinda worried about the cheep cheep cheep and wondering if we've done everything ok for them.
It isn't anything new or something to stress out about in my opinion. These chicks are coming to you from most likely a 20+ chick social unit downsized to a 3 chick social unit. They will adapt pretty quickly to their new digs. The only thing I would be concerned about is if they are either huddled up together 24x7(they might be cold) or if they are giving the heat source a "run for you lives" approach, then it is too hot. Clean food they can fit in their beaks and fresh clean water source are a must, and for the H2O to have pebbles in it if they are still in that 3-5 day of age clumsy to prevent accidental drowning. Best wishes and apologies for the slow response.

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