
Well, Mr. Coyote came out to play in broad daylight today .. I was upstairs and hear the rooster alert .. looked out the window and saw the yote. By the time I got downstairs and had the gun, he had circled the house after a chicken, then ran between the truck and the house back up to the coop.

I stepped outside in time to see him grab Amber Bock (one of my Shiner babies). I hollered, he stopped and looked, I got one shot off and missed him. Off he went with my hen in his mouth.


How do you deal with daytime coyotes??? wow.
Oh honey I feel for you!
Them dang coyotes!

I think I lost one of my pullets today as well!
She must not have gone in the coop last night, and I went to feed this evening and found blue feathers...please let her be there in the morning...ALIVE!!

Everything wants to eat a chicken... I'm stuck between "in awe" at watching the yote scoop up that chicken to "ticked off" and wanting to kill all yotes.. lol.

He was big and beautiful .. but waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to close to the house.. I know they are hungry and thirsty.
I found a raccoon yesterday. Well, the tail anyways, hanging out of my dogs mouth.
The clean up of the floor this morning I did not need to find.
Austin TX.....whoop whoop!!!

No coyotes here, but I think the neighbors cat scooped up my dead bird before the city could pick it up...

First time to raise chickens without an 'adult' around to tell me what to do...this should be an exciting adventure!!

I wish my dog would eat raccoons!! Our lab likes to watch the squirrels play in the yard and eat our garden if that gives you some idea of the kinda dog she is. She did want to play with the raccoon we trapped though...

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