
Howdy Tx812!!! welcome aboard!

Can anyone help me? I'm trying to find the instructions on this new site that tells me how to upload pics to this "new and improved" page. Yes, it is new and improved, but, although I work in front of a computer all day, my 5 year old knows more about these things than I do :(
I have uploaded them onto the site, but I can't figure out how to get them to post in my message. I remember from the old site that you just copied the URL (I think that's what it was called) into your message and *poof* the pic appeared. But now when I try to copy the image all I see is the .jpg file reference and not the actual pic :( What am I doing wrong??

I am actually hoping the rain will hold of a day or two (although I know we still need it) so I have time to attempt to finish tarring the roof to the coop. I left work yesterday (during the actual daylight hours :) and saw my first bluebonnets along 59 going into Cleveland. Spring is in the air!!
this might help
good luck
mom 1 with 5 chicks (2 black, 2 red, 1 yellow - which is hiding in this pic). I'm not sure what mom is. can anyone help? lavendar orp? blue cochin? I had a blue maran?

mom 2 with 1 chick.

thank you Txmel. I was pretty sure I just wasn't typing in the right keywords when I was searching for instructions.

Don't see how we manages to slip to the second page on the forum list. If we are to put together a DFW area get together, what time of year would be best for those who would attend?
1. ) Hey east Texaners, how are we enjoying this rain? Its putting a strong HALT on all of my building... My new Hamburg pen is WAY behind, Turkeys are still in the 8x16 pen with no run, the 8 week olds are still in the house...
But my yard hasn't been this green since last year, so keep it coming!! I'm sure enjoying the rain on one level, but not on another. Need to finish some building, but the rain is a VERY welcome sight after the summer we had.

2. ) The little peeper that I rescued is coming along great, he ( going with he so I don't feel so bad if it turns out a rooster, as it WAS in a straight run bin, and I know my luck ) is growing like a weed. Still haven't been able to find it a home, so I'm just going to end up putting it with my mixed layers once it gets to age.

3. ) ALSO - Trying to convince my boss to let me have some sort of Chicken Stock ( or get together/swap ) in the early summer months. Who all is close to the Huntsville area that would be willing to come out and give it a go? I'd need to have quite a few people interested to get it rocking. We would hold it in our parking lot and surrounding area ( grassy area next door )

4. ) If I can get my computer to read my SD card, I will have PLENTY of new pictures to show you.

How is every one else doing?
Lovin' this rain! I've got chicks hatching as I type. Just some from my own flock to replace older layers this fall. Huntsville would be quite a drive for me but I hope you get lots of interest in your area for a swap/meet.
Our pond is nice and full again. Just mowed the backyard this past week - first time since about the end of May last year. At this rate, gonna have to fire up the tractor and bush hog the pasture soon. Dogs aren't so thrilled to potty in the rain though. Definitely need the rain but have projects that are suffering too. Hopefully will be getting the call from the breeder in the next week and a half or so, that our first chicks have hatched - then will make a trip to Central TX to pick them up. Gotta get the chicken tractors built or ours will be living in the house for a long time too.

Glad to hear the rescue chick is doing well.
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