Thank you, mysterious crazy person!

That is actually a very good point.

Terrie, will you PLEASE tell us?!

I suspect MFB. Don't know why, but I do. Either him or Em. They both seem to be getting the greatest amount of pleasure watching me get frustrated.

I am indeed getting a lot of pleasure out of this. However, I always find great pleasure in someone else being frustrated. I'm sick and twisted that way. Am I nice enough to GFM you though? Eh, probably not.

Btw, isn't that a goose on Terrielacy's avatar? What's wrong with his/her beak I've always wondered, but it's definitely not a duck.

AHA!!! THERE!!! You left open the possibility! Admit it!

MFB - Who are the usual suspects?!
Whatever, y'all.

Anyway, that is Leilani Peepers in my avatar. She is a sebastopol goose and I snapped the pic as she came up to me begging for Cheerios with snow on her bill.
The person who did it PMed me! They said they didn't want their name published for some reason (probably because they'd get flooded with PMs), but at least I know.
Sorry Terrie....

It's a very nice goose too I'm sure.
Doesn't look anything at all like a duck! I don't know where I got such a crazy idea, because it's obviously a very distinctive and beautiful and intellegent Sebastopol goose!

MFB peekin' between his fingers at it sorta quick because he's still skeered of you.... er, it

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