Thanksgiving Hatch- Anyone want to join in?

I candeled again tonight... I just couldnt help myself! There are the 5 eggs with movement in them and that was the coolest thing to see!!! The 6th egg is a yolker, so I guess I should take it out, right?
Sure you can take it out -- I usually set them over to one side and leave them in if they don't seem in danger of exploding....just in CASE, ya know! I accidentally set mine on the 4th instead of the 5th -- so they might be early, but my hatches are typically LATE. Now, if I could just remember what all I put in there....Hmmmm....
I have chix due on thanxgivin also..just worked out that way. mine are amberlink hens , the rooster possibilities are EE , standard cochin, silkie, bantam modern game or RR ..should be a surprize, i took 2 eggs from 5 diffrnt hens.
I figured why not try and hatch some chix from the amberlinks..most of mine lay 2 eggs a day alot of the time
Chillin' With My Peeps

From: Berkley , Ma.
Registered: 08/31/2008

E-mail PM Re: Thanksgiving Hatch- Anyone want to join in?mmmm, Well I migth as well post here too
I just place some of my own chicken eggs (12) in the bator on monday and today I place 15 white bobwhite quail and 24 red bobwhite quail along with 12 'EURO' TUXEDO button quail and waiting on my 12 BLACK COPPER MARANS hatching eggs due in Thurday and 30 more asst. button quail due in friday or saturday ,so my 2 bators are going to be full and hopfully a great hatching rate just before Thanksgiving

Ok I had 7 of the 12 'EURO' TUXEDO button quail hatchs 1 doa so 6 are alive ..........I 'm waiting on the rest update will be so........... good luck with ur hatching rate ............................​
I candled on day 8 or 9. I threw one out because it didn't look fertilized and had a hairline crack. I saw at least 13 that looked good to me, and some I couldn't tell. I'm smelling them once a day during turning, and nothing smells rotten so far.
Only a little over a week left!
I candled last night and it looks like all are growing well. This is my first time hatching bantam eggs and I read somewhere that they hatch in 19 days instead of 21. *Is this true?* It looks like my showgirl eggs are almost complete and ready to bust out of the shell. The egg is full of baby chick, and just a small air sack remains.

Well it sounds like everyone's eggs are doing pretty good.........

Crazy Chicken Fever - I have no idea, this is my 1st time with bantam eggs (2 under my broody) and only me 2nd time hatching... so far so good, hope someone can give you an answer
i think it is true for certain breed.... but not all of them.. i think i've seen seramas mostly ... but i don't know for sure...
i would think it would be the tiny breed bantams...

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