THAT freaked me out

Southern28Chick: Don't doubt your story in the slightest, I just always feel this need to point outhat I *know* science continues to debunk things like the ouija board, but at the same time, I do believe that there is more out there than just what we can see.

Heidi: Ghosts don't have to be scary.. If it's just an old farmer taking care of his farm, he won't hurt anything..
Quote: cant pepper spray a ghost silly!!!
SCHMOO....whatcha gonna name him? Southernchick named her chick should name your ghost Boo too........It would be fitting!!!
Hey ya'll, NEVER name a ghost, they will follow you where ever you live. I imagine some have read my post in another thread where I lived in a haunted house for almost a yr. it was a very disturbing yr. to say the least.
Not to shoot a hole in the story but... It could have just been a neighbor looking for you. A curious kid/teenager/adult that was snooping around in an empty barn. Is there anyway they would know you were there under them if you didn't announce your presence?

Im not saying it wasn't a ghost, its just usually the simplest answers are well.....

Regardless you should start carrying something on you as you work your property. Pepper spray as others have said is small and works well. Just don't forget its not a minty breath freshener spray bottle....hehe

I definitely believe in ghosts, but for your safety just be careful. It could always have been a thief or someone wishing to do harm. I don't mean to debunk the ghost at all, but I would first look for logical explanations just in case it was truly a person.
ouija boards are all in your head - seriously. if you were blind folded and guiding the little thingy with the window to see the letters, and there was another person writing down what the letters were - it would just be jibberish.
It wasn't all in my head when my DH said the exact same thing the "ghost" said on the ouija board, and he know NOTHING about it. We were in living hell for MONTHS after I messed around with that thing.
It wasn't all in my head when my DH said the exact same thing the "ghost" said on the ouija board, and he know NOTHING about it. We were in living hell for MONTHS after I messed around with that thing.

When I was in high school we did a seance using a Ouija board and called back JFK, boy did it work. Scared the crap out of me, I've never touched one since. There are always unbelievers out there, but I know that there are also things out there that can't be explained

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