The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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What most people experience post-vaccination are merely side effects, such as fever and aches and pains.
... And crippling exhaustion that causes one to miss a week of work.

The vaccine isn't for everyone. It's like I heard someone say about autism: "If you've met one person with autism, you've met one person with autism." Some people will have unpleasant side effects (some people have even died of them), and some people won't. It can't be predicted with complete accuracy, just like it can't be predicted with complete accuracy who will and won't die from contracting COVID-19. If someone wants to take it, fine. If someone doesn't, then fine.
So you don't think that the pandemic is fake, you just think that it's being blown out of proportion? I'm trying to clarify because before, you said that you didn't believe that it was real.
Here is my point of view:
Covid was made by humans, because if it happened naturally it wouldn't spread so far and fast. It isn't a pandemic. People die more from cancer, accidents, etc. than from covid.
I agree with that :)
Sorry guys, but I just thought about this, and I was like 'hecc' lol

Is that why you think that the whole pandemic is fake (religious reasons+vaccine speed) or is that why you aren't getting vaccinated? Or are you of the position that Sapphire Sebright stated previously, about the thought that it is being blown out of proportion?
The vaccine doesn't give you COVID-19 itself, it just gives you the RNA code that causes your body to produce COVID-19 spike proteins (not a live virus, not even a dead virus; just the spike proteins, which can't harm you or multiply). Your body builds up immunity (antibodies and memory cells) to the spike protein so that when you come into contact with the real virus, your body recognizes it and has what it needs to quickly take action and eradicate it (before you can get sick).
Yeah, not the same as a viral infection. There are vaccines for other viruses that contain a weakened version of the virus, but not for the coronavirus. There are some coronavirus vaccines (e.g., J&J) that contain another virus like an adenovirus that's genetically modified to produce the coronavirus spike, but still not a coronavirus infection.
So you don't think that the pandemic is fake, you just think that it's being blown out of proportion? I'm trying to clarify because before, you said that you didn't believe that it was real.
That is what I think.

I really don't want to get into an argument, so if that is anyone's intention, you can go to twitter. Plenty of people that have the energy for that, unlike me.

Anyways, yes, I think it's been blown way out of proportion.
People who have gotten it and died would have likely died from a flu, due to underlying health issues and/or age.
I have gotten covid. Yes, it sucked. It was awful. I hate being sick. But I got through it just fine, and so did my grandparents.
My 70 year old grandparents got it and lived.
This is not some deadly plague like the media is making it out to be.
It is a way of controlling people. Fear is the best way to control people. Especially when you provide the "safety". Then you can make people do whatever you want to get some of that "safety". You gain more power. And with that power you can control people much easier, you can make them believe whatever you want them to believe.

Listen, I haven't even been wearing a mask for over 6 months now. I've been out and about living my life as best I can.
I am not sick, and I have not gotten sick since not wearing a mask.

You may argue that I'm spreading it to people that could die from it. First off, the people who are high risk and/or scared are vaccinated, staying home, social distancing, and wearing masks. While I think most of those things are useless, it's still not killing them.
Look at states that have no mask mandate. The death rates are actaully going down (if you would actaully look at reliable sources you would know that).

Look! Covid isn't killing off our population!
If you don't believe me you can go do your own research, just don't drag me into an argument.
If you have a question I'll be glad to answer to the best of my abilities.
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I read about 6 pages of this and skipped ahead.

Frankly I think there are a lot of people here who are being plain inconsiderate and rude.

People have the right to think the way they want and do to their bodies what they think is within their personal and religious moral code. Get the shot don't get the shot, it's up to the individual. Believe in the pandemic don't believe in it. It's your right.


I will not answer your poll and be brow beaten by anybody who might disagree with my decision whether or not to take this vaccine.

Frankly, it's nobody's business but my husbands and my own.

So in the spirit of BYC. Shut up the insults and name calling and play nice.
Here is my point of view:
Covid was made by humans, because if it happened naturally it wouldn't spread so far and fast. It isn't a pandemic. People die more from cancer, accidents, etc. than from covid.
Actually, no one knows how it was created and yes it can spread so far and fast naturally especially in today’s word.
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