The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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Well congratulations on having good genetics. How sick you get can also depend on your genes. If you did research then you should know that it isn’t a lifestyle thing, it’s a blood and genes thing.

I accidentally wrote no one, but If you’d read further you’d see that I said “less people had flu”. Also the lockdown didn’t start until the start of the flu season meaning less people had it to start with.

“do you go around slapping junk food out of people’s hands to save them?”
No because:
1. That’s rude
2. People can choose what they want to do with their bodies (unless it’s putting others life’s at risk)
3. This pandemic as nothing to do with people having a bad lifestyle

If you don’t bring that same energy - “thinking of others” or “saving lives” to everyday life, then why COVID?
It’s a pandemic. Everyone is at risk of long haul side effects and even death. You doing whatever you want means that you are putting everyone around you life’s at risk. You may have made it through on one occasion, that doesn’t mean you won’t necessarily suffer the affects of Covid-19 the next time you catch it. That’s right you can catch COVID more then once, believe it or not.

“Because heart disease kills far more people than COVID...if you want to save lives, that’s where you should spend your energy”

Well yes, but also no. Until the world is out of the pandemic then I’m going to spend my energy on the bigger problem. As I said before I think people should be able to spend their life the way they want it, unless of course they’re putting others life’s at risk (example: having ‘freedom’ in the middle of a pandemic where thousands of people are losing their lives everyday in your country). I don’t think you can control others lifestyles. Control your own, and don’t worry about others, you never know what they may be going through. Also why do you think that at the end of a year and half long pandemic people will all of a sudden be motivated to eat better? It’s takes motivation to get that stuff to work. People have been trying for years and I don’t know why things would start changing now.

Do you understand how to compare statistics? Was all that just in the last year? Did you realise that the risk of children drowning in pools last year was higher because the public pools were closed and more people had un-supervised pools? Also wasn’t there like a FIRE or something happening last year?

I’m not here to change your mind about the pandemic. I’m here to stop other people from thinking that most of this stuff is true :)
The pandemic had nothing to do with lifestyle?? If you take obesity deaths out, you’re left with no pandemic!!
I had a person yesterday scream at me for wearing my mask when I handed her her food. The same woman who is so minutely picky with every single slice of pepperoni that goes on her food had the gall to tell me the pandemic is just people being worked up over bad allergies.


Maybe it wouldn't have been as aggravating to me if she had said that it was the cold, or the flu, something that still makes you sick. But to tell me basically that my grandfather (who was not allergic to anything by the way) died because of pollen....

I still am not taking the vaccination. I won't until it's either mandatory to keep living my life or it's been long enough that I personally trust it. I've heard too many things about it, and no I have no proof because every single source I've seen posted here is just called fake whether it's fake or not so I'm not even going to bother.

I wash my hands. I wear my mask when I am outside my property. I stay home if I have a cough, feel warm or have a bad headache. Or just feel like something else is off. It's my choice and I'm not going to apologize for it.
My daughter works in food service and she's been doing that, wearing a face covering, for a year. Now she is fully vaccinated and is technically allowed to go mask-less, but she says, "I'm not making someone's food with my face 10 inches from their food without a covering!"

As someone who purchases food made by others, I think that's brilliant and I'm grateful.
My sister got it last year in April, a mild case. She and her husband both got it this year in late February. He got out of the hospital the last Tuesday in April. A month to the day after she did. They both got vaccinated.

Perhaps we need more data.
I am a teenager, btw. But COVID seems to affect older people more- no offense older people, 😅
Tell that to the family's of the dead. This is so much more deadly than the flu open a newspaper for dogs sake.
People die every minute of every day. I‘m not discounting loss. Do you tell families who have lost loved ones in car accidents that you’re sorry every time you drive somewhere? Do we stop all driving until there are zero car accidents? Or limit the number of people with licenses so we ensure at least ten car lengths between every car on the road, no matter what? No, because there is inherent risk with freedom. What about all of the people who have died as a result of the shutdowns? The rise in child abuse, spousal abuse, must not care about people if you supported shutdowns. (See how ridiculous that sounds?)

Open the CDC website and look for PIC - pneumonia, influenza, COVID. That’s how they count COVID deaths. All three.

Although this is all a moot point now that the vaccines have arrived and everyone is eligible and least until they decide pharma needs more money so they require boosters. Because encouraging a healthy lifestyle is just too difficult.
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