The 10th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!!!!!

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Okay, Here's my final count;
25 eggs set (including three under a broody pullet).
13 went into lock-down, despite some looking "iffy."
7 hatched

4 of the seven died in a heat lamp malfunction (a hard lesson learned,) so I had seven healthy hatchlings, but only three live chicks. Count them whichever way you need to for the HAL.

Still, I won't complain too badly. If I don't count the accident, it was my most successful hatch. Nankins, especially the rose combs, are notorious for poor fertility. Most of these eggs were from very young pullets, which added to the fertility issue. Of the rest, there were three early quitters, three that died right after lockdown, but before pipping internally and one that looked okay when I first candled it, but at the midway point showed a surface-wide network of spider-web cracks.

On a positive note, my young broody has successfully adopted all three of the Nankin babies. Putting them under her, a first time Mama, was one of the hardest things I've done. I had visions of her attacking those helpless little babies in the night, but our Evie came through like a champ! As soon as my Internet issues settle (won't upload without locking up) I'll post pictures. All in all, Life is good, here!
set : 20 hatch
30 quail, 26 lockdown, 16 hatch, 1 hatch death, 50/50 gender split
10 silkie cross, 8 lockdown, 4 hatch ,2 “splash” 2 buff gender ??
Update on late pipper.
I should have gotten him out this morning. But usually when I help they have issues. So let him try to hatch but didnt make it past the external pip.
I find I have the same experience if the helped ones do live it’s usually not very long before they have trouble. So I let them do it on their own now.
My final tally: 26 chicken eggs hatched.

The breakdown of the hatch along:
Shipped eggs: 12 received, set 11 (1 was cracked when I got them)
6 made it to lock down, all 6 hatched.

My flock (young pullets who just started laying this year):
42 set, 25 made it to lockdown (many clears), 20 hatched.
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