The 10th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!!!!!

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IM? Sorry, I'm not very good with abbreviations.

Oh. Enough people join every year that a PM of that size wouldn't be possible. I do send out PMs to those that fail to report set numbers.

That's a bummer, just a thought. I'll remember to give my numbers in bold for ya though. Thanks for keeping track for us!
I candled again today, glad I did. The air cells are far too large and 5 air cells are detached now? I candled all eggs before incubating and all wete fine. Last time I candled a couple seemed questionable but I left them. Tonight they're in an egg carton and I increased humidity. We've had wind and warm temps so the a/c has been on. :barnie
Looks like 5/6 started developing but 2 have quit already. Can see tiny chicken but nothing else :( hopefully the 3 will keep going!

I set some more eggs but they wont hatch in time for easter. The shell quality is awful on some of them, not sure what will develop!
We draw straws. The loser gets to record hatch numbers. :gig
Aurora did it last year, so it's my turn.

Thank you. :bow

Bolded hatch totals are much appreciated. Not having to read rambling posts with addition required speeds up the time it takes to read 500 posts by a lot. Thank you!


I ended up setting a measly total of two eggs for the hatch along. My bantams still are barely laying, and they're the only birds I wanted to hatch from.

18 total eggs set for the Easter Hatch Along.
Just as I thought I have 7 going strong and 2 clears. I guess neither of my roosters like my Ee.

The other I was glad was clear because I made the mistake of not lining up up the slot for the egg turner. Next morning when I opened the incubator I found the egg turner in the middle of the egg. I must have been tired.:oops:

Alll my air cells are pretty small. They should be at this point right? Humidity levels are right around 25-26% dry hatch. I’ve only added water once when it dropped to 20%.
I hope he woos them over soon!

Or did you get a different one in with them?

Well, I only had them separated to collect eggs for this HAL (hoping for a specific cross, but that didn't work out), so they're back in the main flock now. But the last rooster they were with is one of the two main flock roosters and someone they're used to being around, so I was hoping for better results. :barnie I suppose I could throw a couple more of their eggs in now that they're back in the flock and hope for more chicks a week off of the first ones...

Or maybe I'll just order some EE pullets for around the same hatch date and have some 'guaranteed' egg layers out of it. :p
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