The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

Well, 15 hatched overnight, and there's another 10 or so pips, so my hatch is finally underway.

This is how the tray looks when its in the bator

I love the sight of newly hatched chicks in the morning.


My pair

The chicks.

Amazing! I love rare breeds.
Nate the Great, I understand your trepidation. You may not know this yet but what you are observing is the fall out you get when both parents HAVE to work to maintain what ever there status level is. The parents are working full time and are so exhausted by doing the work of more than one person they don't have any energy for their children. The children become strange like that because there main role models (their parents) are acting strange and disassociated. As a young woman in my teens and twenties (I am 50+) I was very adamant about women having the right to choose to work even if they have kids. What experience taught me is that at least one parent needs to only work part time to the other parents full time. Try to do more than that and the children suffer as well as the parents.(Of course if you are a single parent you have no choice.) If you are working out of your home that is not so bad. The important thing is to be there when you are needed to teach an important Life lesson. Shoving the parenting off on teachers and babysitters is a poor substitute. Children feel unwanted and tend to act out in ways like you fear (wanton crushing of chicks). They are sad and angry but the consequences of showing that to adults is too much so they take it out on the helpless.

This is what happens to people when you steal their hope. I bet if you could get an answer from them you would find that none of them expect to live past their mid-twenties. My two second cousins didn't. They are now 30 and 28 and have with great difficulty pulled their lives together. But for many years they were punks because they had no hope. And even though I was right next door I didn't see what the heart of the problem was. The youngest one was 23 when he told me that he really hadn't expected to live that long.

We have to be the Change. All of us who still have Hope for this Life have to show it to those who have lost their way.

If you ever decide to risk a baby chick, do it to an audience of one. This way if their masks slip they are not as likely to be afraid and do something ugly out of fear.
Good Morning Everyone!
It's still January, but Easter is coming

coming for you....
That's just creepy.


Although, it reminds me of high school. We had a joker at school named Corey. He was African American (this is important for the story to be funny). Just after the 5th element came out, he got ahold of one of those bunny suits. He wore the thing to a basketball game. During half-time, he put on a show for people. The funniest moment was when he suddenly jumped, looked scared, and said, "I see white people"
Well, 15 hatched overnight, and there's another 10 or so pips, so my hatch is finally underway.
Congrats good luck with the rest!
Morning @@Sally Sunshine . My hona pullet Lagertha laid another egg this morning, putting me at 3. Do I need to wait for two weeks to incubate? That was the talk in your house regarding pullet eggs. As far as I know these are her first ever.
are you intending to breed them or sell them?? I am still researching this pullet egg stuff, I ran out of time last night and it got pretty chaotic. I think the abstracts go by egg size and not really when they started to lay so using those for reasoning just makes no reason
But we do know, there are issues later on with growth. So its up to you, if it was me and I would set them and sell them as pullet egg chicks so the buyer is aware.
Good morning everyone!!!!!
Good Morning!!
I'll join.
do you have an idea of what breeds your planning?
I don't know if I'll be selling anything for awhile. I was wanting to test fertility and incubating is the FUN way.


Quote: Awesome!!! I love your avy!!

Count me in! This will be my first Easter hatch-a-long since I was out of town on the set date last year. We are building a cabinet incubator from an old wine fridge and hope to have it finished in time for the hatch a long. If not, I'll at least be filling up the styrofoam incubator.
welcome!!! Good luck with the fridge!!

Update for today. Going to do trenching to get the last three paddocks in. I have eggs gong into lock down on the 31rst, the 2nd and the 4th Will be setting more eggs today then nothing next week as I have 5 or 6 dz hatching eggs to ship out. Will start up again week after. Will post photos of my babies in a bit . To see my parent girls and boys go to I have their family album up on that site LOL.

Good Morning Everyone!
Afternoon Mike

whacha gonna hatch with us?

Good Morning from Mississippi . I also need a sign
Afternoon!!! good luck!

Good Morning Everyone!
It's still January, but Easter is coming

coming for you....
Lol... Good thing I am on an online school, so more BYC time... Oh so I have a quick story for all of you, so one of the school "coaches" or "advisors" that are our people that help us with school. Her daughter, Willow, is very mean in most people eyes, since she hates most people... So yesterday me, and some of my friends were at the restaurant we meet at, just talking, and I was helping out a young lady with some history since it's a pain... And the coaches call on me to help... Willows mom came over and said if it were old times and I chose who my daughter would marry, It would be you... Since you both LOVE your chickens, and plus your a child genius, yet I am not, I just pay attention... It made me cringe SOOO badly, and my friends started to chuckle... Since they know willow would probably beat me up, since that's how she is, but not around me... So fun times...

I got a kick out of this. There is always of those. But, my guess is, she will turn out to be one of the nicest folks in town some day. Just watch. She has to be, she loves chickens!
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Count me in! This will be my first Easter hatch-a-long since I was out of town on the set date last year. We are building a cabinet incubator from an old wine fridge and hope to have it finished in time for the hatch a long. If not, I'll at least be filling up the styrofoam incubator.

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