The 8th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!!!!

Not sure if I still count here but the hen's eggs were set on March 23 and we have two full hatched babies, one pipping, and one with nothing happening yet. The one with no action yet is still good though! This poor hen still has yet to hatch any of her own eggs in all of this- just everyone elses!

The one closest to her is quite chubby, but the mother to it is very large. The one in the back I expect to stay little. They're Ameraucana x Golden Polish!
Quote: It does not matter when they hatch, as long as they were set within the set window for each type of fowl. Incubators running hot will hatch early, and incubators running colder will hatch later.

Quote: Correct!

I am new to all Of this and I have a question. I assume that I know what you guys are talking about when you say a saddle air sacs and I am picking up that it is not good to have but can some tell me why. I am pretty sure that I have one but I can't remember if it is on an egg that I think is doing good or not. I have 16 eggs on lock down but 6 of them I don't expect to hatch. My 10 year old son wanted me to leave them just in case.He doesn't want to give up hope yet. He is as excited as I am.
If in doubt, leave them in! I've had saddle air sacs hatch. I will admit though, I do not track air sacs by drawing on eggs.

Having humidity problems after lock down. One incubator is fine at about 65% but don't seem to be able to get the other above 50% it's a brinsea octagon 20 eco have filled both water troughs and put wet paper towel under tray, have put dry paper towel in tray for little feet but could this be stopping the humidity?
Are you sure your hygrometer is calibrated?
The same one in each incubator as I did a quick change, left couple of hours and then moved back. One 65 to 70%, other only 50%, would it be the kitchen roll layer in tray?
My classroom hatch just began!
I've got one little beak poking out of a Welsummer egg. I allowed the kids to all get a good peek at the window of the incubator before going back to working. :)
Most of mine went into lockdown last night, I do have one internal pip, which obviously is not going to count for the hatch along. Most of them probably will though!

It still counts for the HAL. The rules are two days on either side of the HAL set date. I set mine on the 23rd rather than the 25th and they are able to be counted. I already have one egg with some movement, but no pips yet!
I have to confess something... this morning I took my 4 week old chicks and moved them outside so that I can clean out the brooder for the HAL chicks. I promised my other half that I wouldn't set any more eggs for awhile, but when I collected them this morning there was a really perfect EE egg and... and... I WROTE THE DATE ON IT AND I PUT IT IN AN EGG CARTON AIR CELL UP AND I'M GOING TO SET MORE EGGS AND GET IN TROUBLE AND I DON'T CAAAAAAAAAAARE!


I've lost my mind is what I'm trying to say. I never thought I'd grow up to be a completely insane chicken lady, but here I am, killing it.
That drove me crazy in the beginning. my humidity read 60% but there was condensation everywhere. Turned out my hygrometer was off by 10.  It was actually 70% humidity.
Mine is bouncing between 65 and 70 during the 24 hr period I'm letting it stay there. It only dipped down once to 63,but the others were at 64 so I let it be now during the day it's back up to 67 and the others are at 65 so I think I'm doing ok with humidity temp is stable at 99.5

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