The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

I'm so sorry your hatch didn't go well.

Actually I'm sorry for everyone that seems to have had problems. I wonder if being early this year could be part of the problem.

Oh goodness. How sad.

I will definitely be careful when I have people around my incubator.

Okay ladies and gents and chickie and ducky and poultry and goosling and quail babies and any others I may have missed.

My poor little singleton is getting some siblings this evening since it's so early this year we are brooding in the house to start with so we aren't getting a ton. We will be buying 6 babies to buddy up with our single quail chick. I can't wait to see how happy the little will be, it cries and cries right now. The new siblings will be between 1 day- 1 week old depending on what the breeder has. I'm hoping to get some more blue/green layers from his line since I haven't gotten a blue quail egg since losing my big pharoah female. I'm still hoping l get more but I really don't believe I'm that lucky.

We plan to add more from the breeder later in the year when it's warmer and I'm hoping to add as many as possible then. I may add as many as 50 and keep the best birds as well as some from 1-2 other lines to maintain genetic diversity.
I was talking with the breeder that I bought my buckeyes from. She said that all of the breeders in my area are having horrible hatch rates. Our temperatures and humidity are bouncing all over the place. I heat with wood, which doesn't keep the temps constant and it really dries out the air. That certainly doesn't help either.

Next batch going in later tonight.

Fingers crossed.
When your hatch is done, please post here your total number of chicks hatched. (of all types of fowl)
Guess I can call it , wasn't supposed to hatch till Monday but all six hatched healthy on Easter. 13 made it to lockdown, all the rest of the 36 I set were clears, lot working against me, dang we're still getting teens temps nightly, and another blanket of snow this morn...
Still have the other seven cooking beings it's only a day late, but I doubt they will hatch, the six two days ago hatched quick.
JGxNN, all six hatched with naked necks :ya
And healthy little fluffy butt buggers.
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View attachment 1323681
Guess I can call it , wasn't supposed to hatch till Monday but all six hatched healthy on Easter. 13 made it to lockdown, all the rest of the 36 I set were clears, lot working against me, dang we're still getting teens temps nightly, and another blanket of snow this morn...
Still have the other seven cooking beings it's only a day late, but I doubt they will hatch, the six two days ago hatched quick.
JGxNN, all six hatched with naked necks :ya
And healthy little fluffy butt buggers.
View attachment 1323685
Naked neck chickens are growing on me!

View attachment 1323681
Guess I can call it , wasn't supposed to hatch till Monday but all six hatched healthy on Easter. 13 made it to lockdown, all the rest of the 36 I set were clears, lot working against me, dang we're still getting teens temps nightly, and another blanket of snow this morn...
Still have the other seven cooking beings it's only a day late, but I doubt they will hatch, the six two days ago hatched quick.
JGxNN, all six hatched with naked necks :ya
And healthy little fluffy butt buggers.
View attachment 1323685
You know I love me a NN .. or 2.. or.... :D

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