The 9th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong!

I was talking with the breeder that I bought my buckeyes from. She said that all of the breeders in my area are having horrible hatch rates. Our temperatures and humidity are bouncing all over the place. I heat with wood, which doesn't keep the temps constant and it really dries out the air. That certainly doesn't help either.

Next batch going in later tonight.

Fingers crossed.

Glad I'm not the only one. Yeah we had a blizzard last night too. We heat with fuel oil so it also sucks the moisture out. I think the biggest problem has just been the big swings in temp and humidity here.

Naked neck chickens are growing on me!

Oh no I find they're growing a bit on me too especially with the bow tie but I don't think DH2B would ever allow them lol. Previously I've always thought them pretty ugly but I've also never seen one in person.

I will post pics later. We went and picked up 6 week old quail chicks last night from the breeder I know. Unfortunately his are about 4 times the size of my little one. The size difference is quite adorable. However last night after we moved the little in with them there were some problems with little adjusting. It began to shake and shake no matter what we did. So we moved it back to the incubator with some food and a little water. I'm hoping to try again tonight.

Despite the size difference our little seemed to do fine with them.

This morning after DH2B left for work one of the Pharoah babies(we bought four Pharoah and two whites) jumped out of the brooder and we found it on the opposite end of the porch on the floor when DH2B got home for lunch. If it had stayed on the other side it would have been under the heat lamp. It's in the incubator right now but I don't really think it's alive. We just haven't given up because we've both thought we saw it moving. I've no idea how it managed to jump out of the brooder with almost no feathers.

So that totally sucks.

Then after lunch while readying eggs for customers coming this afternoon I dropped every egg we have collected for the last two days all over the kitchen floor. What a mess.

Some days I wonder why I got up but then I think about all my sweet chickens outside.

At this point I'm hoping that the little one makes it and that the one that was found apoaappare lifeless also makes it. That being said while we have been able to warm up and seemingly bring chicken chicks back we've never managed it with quail.
Glad I'm not the only one. Yeah we had a blizzard last night too. We heat with fuel oil so it also sucks the moisture out. I think the biggest problem has just been the big swings in temp and humidity here.

Oh no I find they're growing a bit on me too especially with the bow tie but I don't think DH2B would ever allow them lol. Previously I've always thought them pretty ugly but I've also never seen one in person.

I will post pics later. We went and picked up 6 week old quail chicks last night from the breeder I know. Unfortunately his are about 4 times the size of my little one. The size difference is quite adorable. However last night after we moved the little in with them there were some problems with little adjusting. It began to shake and shake no matter what we did. So we moved it back to the incubator with some food and a little water. I'm hoping to try again tonight.

Despite the size difference our little seemed to do fine with them.

This morning after DH2B left for work one of the Pharoah babies(we bought four Pharoah and two whites) jumped out of the brooder and we found it on the opposite end of the porch on the floor when DH2B got home for lunch. If it had stayed on the other side it would have been under the heat lamp. It's in the incubator right now but I don't really think it's alive. We just haven't given up because we've both thought we saw it moving. I've no idea how it managed to jump out of the brooder with almost no feathers.

So that totally sucks.

Then after lunch while readying eggs for customers coming this afternoon I dropped every egg we have collected for the last two days all over the kitchen floor. What a mess.

Some days I wonder why I got up but then I think about all my sweet chickens outside.

At this point I'm hoping that the little one makes it and that the one that was found apoaappare lifeless also makes it. That being said while we have been able to warm up and seemingly bring chicken chicks back we've never managed it with quail.
There is a very good chance that it will recover.

Was it cold or warm?
My special needs check passed away during the night. So my official count is 7 total. Terrible numbers compared to my other recent hatches but it is what it is. The chick that passed away, it was better off anyway as a quality of life perspective. Late hatches and temperature drops and spikes generally lead to unseen neurological damages. Just because the creature appeared to be physically intact, doesn't always necessarily Mean internal development Etc is in order. Chicks are a little easier to deal with the death from neurological disorders. Every once in awhile, pigs we have bred, one Tiny runt will suffer the same consequences. That's a little harder to swallow. Seeing a larger organism suffer and having to do the right thing.
On a positive note, today is lockdown on another incubator. And I have no house guests! I don't have to lock the door anymore to the incubator room!
I have 7 ready for lock down tonight. There isn’t a door to lock on mine so hopefully all will be well.
There is a very good chance that it will recover.

Was it cold or warm?

Coldish and non-responsive not icy but cold also it wasn't stiff. Still nothing from it. I'll give it until DH2B gets home from work but at this point I'm fairly certain it's a goner. Sadly. Still can't figure out how it managed to jump out about 3 feet without anything but pin wing feathers.
Coldish and non-responsive not icy but cold also it wasn't stiff. Still nothing from it. I'll give it until DH2B gets home from work but at this point I'm fairly certain it's a goner. Sadly. Still can't figure out how it managed to jump out about 3 feet without anything but pin wing feathers.
Chickens do a lot of things that get them killed...It is quite sad!

Sorry you lost one

Yeah wevew experienced it with chickens but less so with quail.

I'm guessing the baby got lost in the porch and got too cold to make it back to the heat lamp. Still odd that it managed to get out.

Really hate losing any of them but especially a brown one and especially when we just bought it. If any I was expecting to lose my tiny one but it seems to be doing okay so far.
Some great news for the 2019 EHAL!
Easter is April 21 next year! We will have a greater chance of decent weather since we will start incubating on the day we were hatching this year!
My special needs check passed away during the night. So my official count is 7 total. Terrible numbers compared to my other recent hatches but it is what it is. The chick that passed away, it was better off anyway as a quality of life perspective. Late hatches and temperature drops and spikes generally lead to unseen neurological damages. Just because the creature appeared to be physically intact, doesn't always necessarily Mean internal development Etc is in order. Chicks are a little easier to deal with the death from neurological disorders. Every once in awhile, pigs we have bred, one Tiny runt will suffer the same consequences. That's a little harder to swallow. Seeing a larger organism suffer and having to do the right thing.
On a positive note, today is lockdown on another incubator. And I have no house guests! I don't have to lock the door anymore to the incubator room!
Sorry about your littles and the bad hatch!

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