The adventures of Barbara (BR)

Updates on the Flock

Barbara, and now Monica, were not looking very attractive. Monica had also started a moult, maybe to keep Barbara company. The coop floor was knee deep (well, chicken-knee deep) in black and white striped feathers. The Food Lady was considering sending in their names to “What Not to Wear”, the TV show for the fashion challenged. However, style choices in hen aprons are limited. And what with the Barred Rocks being a “neutral” color, they could probably wear any color they wanted and still look good.

The Little Babies, now two weeks old, have made the move to the bigger brooder. The Teenage Babies, including the “Love Child” have transitioned to the Growing Up Coop, and the Sussex Young Adults have moved into the chicken tractor that the Food Man built out of a wooden pickup topper he got at an estate sale for $2. The problem with the new chicken tractor is that the Sussex (now 5 months old) cannot find their way down the ramp into the tractor part. Then the Food Man put them in the tractor part and they could not find their way back up into the coop. They are somewhat intellectually challenged. Corn on the ramp did not help.

The Speckled Sussex also have the problem of Stevie the Wonder Chicken. Stevie was pecked hard on the head at an unfortunate moment in his development and is apparently blind. He sways back and forth to locate the others by sound, and walks until he runs into the feeder or the waterer. He then pecks down the side of the feeder until he hits paydirt. Apparently he is finding plenty to eat because he is just as big and “smart” as the others. He is very attractive, but the Food People believe he may become more attractive surrounded by noodles and biscuits.
yep- sounds like that to me...
"surrounded by noodles and biscuits"?! Surely you mean "eating noodles and biscuits"......Right? He sounds like a survivor if he has managed to hang in there so far without his white chicken cane.

Hope you're feeling better Mrs. Chickendad. Be careful with that trick knee. Especially in bed.
It's amazing, Mrs Chickendad!!!!

I leave you alone for a few days and you go and hurt yourself....And loose a chicken too!!!!!

Hope that knee gets better really quickly!!!
Things Are Looking Up!

The Food Lady was back on her feet today. It was a good thing, the poor Food Man was about run ragged trying to keep all the girls fed, including the Food Lady. He had built a large pen in the Honeymoon Hotel, as Silver and his three wives were a bit too crowded in the budget room and really needed the Honeymoon Suite.

The little Buff Cochin couple were joined by the two widows left by Chuckie. Poor Dusty has been widowed twice now, and Millie the Mille Fleur Cochin is now in with them, too. Maybe the Little Buff Girl can relax a bit as she is not the sole object of the Little Buff Boy’s affections. There was much dancing and crowing when he got his new wives. They were not nearly as impressed with him as he was with himself, but that is the way of roosters.

The Food Lady went out to see how Barbara was coming along, and to take her and her sisters some treats. They were excited to see her, but more especially excited to see the Magic Bag with grapes and bread in it! Buffy jumped up to bite a hole in the bag, but one of the sisters gave her a sharp peck on the head. Barbara was quite subdued in her undressed state, but accepted several grapes which she enjoyed. The rest of the girls acted like feathered pigs. The Little Boys, Leroy and Hot Stuff, stood back and watched in amazement. When they picked up a treat for themselves, the Big Girls would snatch it away. The Food Lady saw to it that the Little Boys each got treats for themselves. The Big Girls certainly had a sense of entitlement. That is the way of Big Girls.


Barbara when she is fully dressed.

Edited to add: You're never fully dressed without a smile!
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Soooo glad you are feeling better, MrsChickendad!! Wonderful, too, to get an update on all the gang. They must have missed you well as the Magic Bag! Take care of yourself and thanks for writing.

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