The adventures of Penny and Lola


6 Years
Apr 16, 2013
Two weeks ago we purchased a five week old white female silkie and named her Lola; she was separated with our broody 30 week old silkie Penny. We prayed that they would bond and, in their own coop, bond they did!

From sleeping together...

To Lola playing on Penny...

And finally two weeks later, after shutting the other 3 girls away (who aren't quite ready to be introduced with Lola yet, as she is too small) for half the day, we let Penny and Lola explore. Penny's used to the yard but it was Lola's first roam around the garden out of the coop.

Aww, they look so happy
We're so happy that Pennyvhas taken to Lola so well, even after so many people said it wouldn't work as Lola was already five weeks.

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