The African and Chinese goose thread!!

I am thinking about getting a couple geese. I was just wondering how difficult it is to keep them in winter.
Do you have a preference for breed? I have 3 different breeds and mine do well in winter I am mid south in NC mountains so it gets pretty cold here and we get snow and ice. mine stay out all day even though their house doors are open all the time but at night they are closed up for protection from elements and predators. Geese are hardy but need protection from wind in winter and of course predators.
I dont rilly have a preference to a breed i just wouldnt like the plan white ones. I do have ducks thow and thats what i do with them. What do you do about water for the geese in winter? could i just give them water like i do for the ducks just give them water a few times a day outside in a tub so they could play around?
I dont rilly have a preference to a breed i just wouldnt like the plan white ones. I do have ducks thow and thats what i do with them. What do you do about water for the geese in winter? could i just give them water like i do for the ducks just give them water a few times a day outside in a tub so they could play around?
I use heated buckets for my flock so I don't have to break ice {TSC} has them. and they don't get a tub for bathing unless it's in the upper 30's. Now you may live where temps don't get below freezing and can keep the water open not here.

Since you have ducks then geese basically need same care, but you'll probably find you can't keep your geese in same night quarters as the ducks. Mine have to have separate housing they just barely tolerate my ducks and chickens.
Can anyones african or chinese geese fly? My goslings are starting to get about 20 feet with a good run.
The lighter they are the better they can fly. my Toulouse and Buff can get a few feet off the ground when they play fly on the driveway. If your worried they may get into trouble you can clip one wing to keep them grounded.
The lighter they are the better they can fly. my Toulouse and Buff can get a few feet off the ground when they play fly on the driveway. If your worried they may get into trouble you can clip one wing to keep them grounded.
Well, I would like to get them to fly better actually. I have three mallards and one khaki campbell that fly around my yard. I think I might keep them inside during duck hunting season, its a pretty big deal in minnesota.

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