The African and Chinese goose thread!!

This is my first post on geese. I have 7. I bought 3 African siblings. They are now about 5 months old. I believe 1 is female, 1 is male and 1 is a??? They grew up with 10 Muscovies and are the royalty in the pen. I was recently given 4 6 week old babies because the former owner was losing her flock to coyotes. She told me 3 were African and the white one was Embden. After a few weeks I think they are all either Chinese or maybe African, hard to tell. They were introduced to the main pen along with 5 Muscovies that I was brooding on the back porch. Since they joined the pen at the same time they stick together. The 3 original geese rule the roost, the bigger Muscovies are dominant over the smaller geese and ducks. It won't be long before the smaller geese will step up and all the ducks will move out of the way. The older geese want nothing to do with the younger ones. Too bad, I was hoping they would bond, maybe when they mature.
I am waiting till they get more size before letting them out of their pen to forage 2 fenced acres with a pond. I'm hoping they will then be safer from the numerous hawks we have here.
The geese are my favorites. When they see me coming, they loudly welcome me. They are so elegant and always perfectly groomed. They are not skittish, but neither are they friendly. I'm OK with that. They do get underfoot when I go in to feed them. I'm anxious to see what they will look like when grown. They are strictly pets and not for food. The ducks are nice, but the geese are special.
I have no pictures, but will try to take some tomorrow.
Welcome to
and your first geese! I know I enjoy my Sebastopol's so very much. You will learn lots from here.
The older geese want nothing to do with the younger ones. Too bad, I was hoping they would bond, maybe when they mature.

It took a few weeks for the older geese to bond with the new geese this year. Now they are one big flock except for Timmy the Buff female who has decided that she would rather be a duck. We started calling the new babies the minions because Frankie is teaching them naughty habits. He stands behind them and encourages them to do things like steal tools and harass the ducks. Here is a picture of them having flapping practice.
The older geese want nothing to do with the younger ones. Too bad, I was hoping they would bond, maybe when they mature.

It took a few weeks for the older geese to bond with the new geese this year. Now they are one big flock except for Timmy the Buff female who has decided that she would rather be a duck. We started calling the new babies the minions because Frankie is teaching them naughty habits. He stands behind them and encourages them to do things like steal tools and harass the ducks. Here is a picture of them having flapping practice.
Beautiful flapping practice.
Well I finally took some pictures. Now if I can just get them up here???

Wow, success. Pictures 1,2,3,4,5,6 are the younger geese.
Any guess as to breed and gender?
The remainder of the pictures is pretty mixed, but the three together are the older 5 mos geese.
Any help on breed or gender will be appreciated.
I really need to hone my skills for image uploads. Sorry for so many pictures.

geese. Any guess as to gender?
Last picture is 2 of the younger ones. Any guesses on breed or gender?
Pictures of the Muscovies are just for fun.

My Baby Fro passed away. He had been having fits of going limp and siezure type fits. I didnt expect him to make it past 3 mos old anyways with his size and other physical problems. He was walking through the yard and fell over in front of me dead. Poor little thing was so sweet and gave us many laughs and enjoyment, he will be missed by us all.

On another note, my brown chinese Mildred started laying again i hadnt seen an egg since May 1st from her i have gotten 2 eggs so far. Im pretty sure i narrowed it down as to why it happened. First i think it was the street light we put in at the barn so with that they have light 24/7 and second the pond we just dug has really thrown them all for a loop they hardly get out. Only when its feed time do they come away from it. As long as none of the rest start up again ill be ok with it lol i dont like anything thats not close to being normal lol the funny part is I was telling hubby that a craft lady i met wants to buy all the goose eggs that i dont incubate next season and Mildred was standing there when i said it. She must have thought i needed eggs lol

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