The birb king's chickens

Sorry about Cloud. In her honour I’ll talk about clouds. Tonight while reading a book on oceans to my son, I learned that clouds are made from water evaporating into the air. Also, my friend named her bantam sultans after types of clouds.

When we went to buy a serama hen and her chick yesterday the seller had Indian blue peacocks and he gave us 4 silver spangled Hamburg eggs.
Nice what color is the Serama? He was too busy bailing hay today so he said he will try to give me the eggs tomorrow or Monday
She is brown red. The chick looks to be too, her father was brown red. My cockerel is birchen with some gold



I wonder if I should incubate a few Button quail eggs in with the Peafowl? I would probably only put in like 5 or 6 but I really need more females. Bean and Cinnimon are my only 2 females and they lost all their back feathers so I need to seperate them soon. The Peafowl eggs have been in for about 4 days so far. I will candle them once it has been a week and maybe put some chicken eggs in too.

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