The Chickendad Chronicles

Oh, dear MrsChickendad, how I have missed you! Every line you write is a mental picture. I know you don't look like a little old lady, but I can just see a little old lady flying off the back of a cantering steed as he goes in one direction and she in the other! oxoxo Caroline
Caroline, it was a lucky thing Scout was only 14.2 hands tall (with shoes) and I am 5'8" (also with shoes). Wasn't so far to fall that way. No, I am not a "little old lady", just a big strong German girl . . . think "Helga" . . . . . never been accused of being dainty . . .
Sounds typically welsh to me :)

At least Joey makes me laugh while we are doing battle, and although I have come off him a few times, he has never tried to get rid of me ....Hope that doesn't give him any funny ideas!

Well I hope all your aches and pains get better as the spring progresses!

Another Barbara???

This is an announcement for all Barbara fans. The Chickendads have some barred rock babies sleeping in the incubator. They are due on April 26. Everyone cross your fingers for another Barbara to be hatched!
I wore my Barbara shirt this week and my DH is using my Barbara cup for his coffee this morning! We are going to be praying that a new Barbara is just waiting to hatch and take center stage!
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Yippee! I can't wait for the new Barbara! My Barbara is okay - she's a lovely girl - but, in the personality department, a bit bland. Yay, MrsChickendad! Miss Diva will make her appearance forthwith!
oh so good to hear from you MrsChickendad! I have so missed meeting your flock! And another Barbara... never totally 'our' Barbara, but i'll bet you'll have a Diva in the group! I know i have my second barbara, not quite like my first one, but a character just the same....:) you be careful and don't do too much!

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