The chickens have spoken...


6 Years
May 9, 2013
Winchester, VA
Just picked up my order from Countryside Organics. Organic, soy-free layer feed. To help their transition, this morning I gave them some of the old food from Tractor Supply (on the left) and some of the new food (on the right). When I got home this evening, all the stuff from CO was gone, and the stuff from TS was barely touched. It looks like they ate around the pellets! I guess that tells me they don't mind the switch! :)

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Hi SoManyHats;
The organic feed looks like it is a whole grain mix, almost like scratch. It does look tastier. Let us know how they like it in a few weeks or if they pick out the different grains.
Well, the first ingredient in the pellets is wheat middlings. In the organic stuff, it's organic field peas. Today I mixed it together and actually watched them push aside the pellets to get to the other stuff! At least this morning they didnt seem to like one grain over another. You're right that it does have the appearance of scratch. But the nutritional content is right for a laying feed.

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