Announcement The Coop Page / Article Rating & Review Project!

@KikisGirls & fixing all the crazy...." FONT " covered pages and the ones the pictures dont work on. It makes the site more presentable for members and new comers or ever just guest!
I am almost a professional in reading [/FONT types/names! ] :yesss:
My home made incubator


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So, y'all working on these coops is AWESOME! We're making great progress. Hopefully while we keep working on these, other peeps will join in too!

The current sheet I created works great because it guarantees that peeps won't get a page to rate that they've already rated (since once there is 1 rating, it's removed from the list)... but... things get tricky once we move beyond 1 review.

So, I'm going to work on a page that (hopefully :fl ) only shows each member a list of coop pages that they have NOT rated yet.

Fortunately I've got a little time until the remaining 1745 coop pages are rated ;)

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