The difference in curly and smooth breasted Sebastopols

Thank you for your input Pete.
As always you're the consummate gentleman.
I must apologize for making an assumption but I've gotten a little gun shy
since certain people tend to pounce on me and certain people get all wound up about the soy/GMO topic.
So again I apologize to the orginal poster and anybody else I offended.
So back to smoothies!
Well thats very gracious of you Vicky and I cannot see how other members could decline an olive branch to move on. After all this is about Domesticated Geese and contributed to by adult members. The Soy and GM debate can always be raised on a topic related thread and contributed to there, even I'd offer my two cents worth there

Of course I'm very new with Sebastopols and do hope our own start to breed so I can test some theories out. After all with being in the UK its the Smooth Breasteds that seem more popular and Im looking forward to the outcome of a Curled x Smooth Breasted pairing.

Thanks Pete.
Moving on...I think the fact that you don't have twisted wing tip issues in the UK raises some very important questions.
Personally I think more breeders should seriously considered using more smooth breasted Sebs in the states to see if that helps reduce wing disorders in Sebastopol Geese.
It may be an important factor and I know the main body of thought in the UK is to mate Curl with SB to reduce the incidence of wing problems. However, as yet I cannot work out a theory why this would be the case. Any Curled resulting from a SB mating would still be homozygous for the 'Curling Gene' and no different from other Curleds. It maybe there are modifiers within the genes that reduce the incidences of wing problems???

So frustrating not to have any eggs (or indeed goslings) so I can test these theories at a small level - grrrrr...........
Vicky and Pete we have three smoothes in our breeding program. Peaches plus two whites so should have a good cross selection to reference down the road. I will always gladly add a smooth here if it has good lines, color and would benefit what we are working on.
Vicky and Pete we have three smoothes in our breeding program. Peaches plus two whites so should have a good cross selection to reference down the road. I will always gladly add a smooth here if it has good lines, color and would benefit what we are working on.

Thanks Shellie...great ot have breeders like you with an open mind and cooperative attitude about sharing their breeding results.
THANK you for the info about keeping the smooth-breasted in the flock. I have heard several people who insist on only breeding only the curlies. This gander is my newest addition.

Chicken Obsessed, I worry about the GMO's too. I have tested my geese and ducks by putting organic feed in one dish and GMO feed in another. They always emptied the organic and refused to touch the GMO feed.

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