The dog was back this morning - Our Sheriff is awesome, Semi Update #1

I use to own a husky, I know what they are capable of. I walked him three times a day seven days a week (we had a small yard at the time). He was always full of energy and could get into the darndest things. But I knew what my responsibilties were going to be when I got him. He could still pull stunts at 14y/o and to this day I cant figure out how he accomplished some of them. These neighbors are slackers and do not seem to care about any of their animals. I'm glad you have a sheriff who is willing to do that for you, ours would say just shoot it. I wish I were closer I'd rehome it for you;). I'm glad to hear your hens are okay.
You sure are being very nice about this. All my neighbors know that if their dog harms ANY of my livestock they will be SHOT.

They have the same outlook on dogs. People here shoot wild animals on a weekly basis. You darn near have to.

This policy MAKES people train their dogs. We recently bought a Great P. as a puppy. This dog took off and hide when you tried to find him.

Needless to say, he is GONE. We sold him back to the people we got him from. Knowing he would be killed by the highway or the neighbors .

Our Corgie stays ON the property. She is great with the birds and we are her world and she knows it.

The neighbors have border collies, healers and even a game dog.

These dogs are trained to stay on their owners property or they are tied up for their own good. If you think that a dog should not be tied up, then tell your neighbors, the sheriff and your family that you need to take care of this problem in a timely way.

I can tell you this. Your neighbor will NOT react to you, the sheriff or your family if they know none of these will impact them.

A bullet or a pay out gets peoples attention.

If my dog was caught killing livestock I would expect a phone call or visit ONE time as a warning. When she did not come back after this I would expect to bury her.
Haven't heard of that--but a paint-ball gun works great!!! I actually broke a known chicken killer!!! I had a window that overlooked the chicken pen and anytime I would see him coming around the pen I'd shoot him with a painball in the side. He now protects chickens and will bark at strangers if they come anywere near his chickens!
I took care of my neighbor's problem dog FINALLY! He's got a black lab that has been harassing my dogs and chickens for the last three years (man, I am a doormat!). Well, I have been warning the neighbor, and he's a nice enough guy, but he thinks that the dog needs to be free. (UGH.) So I told my neighbor that I don't want to call the pound (and I haven't) but I also don't want to lose any more chickens or other animals to this stupid black lab stray he picked up. He's already killed four of my hens.
What I did, because there's only one dog bothering the property, is I asked my neighbor if I could put a shock collar on his dog that corresponded to the invisble fence I installed. He agreed! So now when the dog tries to come onto my property, he gets a warning beep, and then a really good zap if he tries to contintue. It works great, I'm happy, the neighbor is happy (he doesn't have to pay for dead chickens and dog's vet bills) , the chickens are alive and safe, and my dogs aren't getting attacked on their own property anymore. WOOHOO!
Wow! Two thumbs up for you!
You went more than halfway. The stuff that Saints are made of. Good on you, but just make sure you don't do it to much in general or you end up a martyr, broke or both.
Still be cautious about your chickens. Our neighbor's black lab would just grit his teeth and barrel through the electric fence if there was something on the other side he wanted. He couldn't be contained no matter how hot they made the fence.
I wouldn't trust it to protect my hens. Black labs are hardheaded.
We have a husky and they most certainly are diggers. Ours is only 5 months old but she's already dug holes under her kennel. We take precautions to make sure she's secure even IN the kennel. When she's put in the kennel, she's still on a run line. That way if she digs her way out, she's still attached to the run line and can't go anywhere.


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