The dog was back this morning - Our Sheriff is awesome, Semi Update #1


DD (Artistic Digital Diva)
11 Years
Oct 6, 2008
West Michigan
So my 4-year-old tells me the neighbor's husky is back in our yard. I immediately rush outside to see if he's going after the chickens. He is. 10 out of the 14 run back into the coop, but the dog is chasing the remainder of my hens still outside. I start shouting and screaming, and yank a metal rod that's holding up one of our outdoor lights and start swinging it towards him. Didn't hit him, because I know he is a friendly dog that is just too playful. He starts chasing one of the hens around my car. So there's the hen, flapping light crazy, half flying and squawking in terror, a jumpy Siberian husky running behind her, nipping at her tail feathers, and a crazy lady running behind the dog, swinging a metal rod in the air. We circled the car about four times before the dog actually got his teeth into her feathers. Only her feathers though, and he didn't manage to pull any out. At that point I scream at the top of my lungs at him, and he blanches for a moment, giving the hen enough time to run back to the other three. He starts to chase after all four of them and I dart in front of him, blocking his way. He tries to get around me and I wave the rod at him. Finally I tried a different approach. I grabbed him by the collar and started walking him down the driveway. My husband at this point had gotten dressed and come outside, and was trying to herd the girls back into the coop. I've got a raging headache and a sore throat from all of the screaming and yelling, and my chest is pounding like I'm on the verge of having a heart attack from all of the fast running. I let the dog go at the end of our 180' driveway and yell at him to go home. He runs across the street to the other neighbor's yard. At this point the chickens are safely locked up in the coop, and I'm ready to go lay down for a nap with a tall glass of water and a bottle of Tylenol. The dog eventually wanders back into our yard and starts circling our coop. And, being that huskies are diggers, he starts to dig at the end of my run, trying to get into it.

I grab my camera and take photographs of the dog hanging out around my coop.

Here he is.


I still don't think it was him that nabbed my one lost hen, BUT, I know for certain he is a danger to my chickens.

I tried to find out what the local ordinances were in regards to dogs. After finding nothing online, I started making some phone calls. First I called my township, who said they follow the ordinances of the county. Then I called the county, that said I needed to speak with the Sheriff's department. It wasn't my intention to call in the sheriff, but that's just the way things work in our area apparently. I told him about what happened this morning, and the fact that his dog has been on our property repeatedly, and that he frightens my 7-year-old daughter via jumping at/on her. When I was giving him directions to come to our place, it suddenly dawned on him that he had been called out to that house before, for the exact same dog. He was explaining that there wasn't anything we could do about the incident this morning, when I interrupted him to let him know I have pictures of the dog hanging around my coop. That made him pleased and said with that evidence he could issue the owner a citation for his dog being at large. He asked if I'd like to do that, or just have him drive over to their house and speak with the owner. I said this time just drive over there and warn them to keep their dog contained in their yard. The next time I see him on my property, I won't be so lenient. Luckily, they have a nice way of dealing with dogs like this when the dogs themselves are actually friendly animals. He asked me to contain the dog (I will put him on a leash and leash him to my picnic table), call him (the Sheriff) and let him know the dog came back and that I've got him. They will come and pick the dog up and take it down to the Humane Society to be adopted out elsewhere. If the owner wants the dog back, he will have to pay a bunch of fees, on top of already having to deal with a citation.

So, we'll see what happens in the next few weeks. I'm pleased to say that the Sheriff was extremely nice and understanding on the phone, and I really think they will take care of the problem. I just hope the neighbor doesn't try and start anything. And realistically, the neighbor knows better. We've had the street coordinator send letters to EVERYONE (whether they owned a dog or not) to remind them to keep their animals in their yards so as not to create hard feelings between neighbors. And I know for a fact that the people on the other side of them have told them before they need to keep their dog tied up. They did keep him tied up... for a few months. And then they didn't bother anymore.

Oh well. At least the tylenol is starting to kick in and my chickens are safe. For the moment.
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I'm wishing for the dog's sake he's back. Being tied up is no life for any dog, and who in their right minds gets a Husky without having a good fence first?
Yeah I agree. The people that told them to keep their dog tied up? They own beagles and they breed them specifically to use as hunting dogs. They have a nice kennel in their back yard where the dogs stay penned up.

The neighbors that own the husky are the ones that also have a pig, and their own flock of chickens... and we just found out last night they are breeding rabbits now too. Their kids were chasing them through our back yard. And mind you, they are RENTERS, and their property isn't even big enough according to township ordinances to even have any of those animals. I would have let all of that slide but I can't tolerate my animals being forced to always be inside or be injured or eaten.
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You were smart to get that photo- it puts to rest that 'he said she said' kind of situation. We have huskies next door and they're normal fine and stay there. But I know huskies, and even the friendliest ones will chase small animals...real problem. Glad you're getting assistance! Out here we have little animal control, so we rely on neighbours to get along, which isn't always the solution!

Glad your birds are okay...
I'm lucky the dog came back around for me to get the photo. I didn't think about it when he was chasing my chickens. Would have been more incriminating but at the same time, I wasn't willing to sacrifice any hens in order to get those pictures.

I think I'd be in trouble if we had to rely on neighbors getting along, LynneP.
I like a lot of my neighbors, but it seems like every other house has some problems going on.

bantamsrus, yep. That's what I plan on doing. I hope they can find him a nice home somewhere where he's better looked after.
Well now here's a post I might be able to help. I'm a retired mail carrier. One of my fellow carriers was bit. He didn't think there was anything he could do because 1. the people were renters and 2. they were on public assistance. Well it happened that their dog had been complained about to the landlord in the past so there was a record. Hence because the landlord knew the dog was a nusiance and did nothing he/she/the corp. could be and were liable. This being the case the landlord was sued and the fellow carrier continued to finish the additon to his home which is now called "the dog bite room". This being funded with money acquired from lawsuits from being bit.
So contact the landlord and let them/him/her know they can be sued for their tenants dog.
That's interesting, rancher hicks. I'll wait and see what goes on with the Sheriff, and then see if the Sheriff can inform the owners. That way there's can absolutely be no he said she said stuff.

I know the Sheriff was already out there. When I was returning from dropping my little one off at school the big Sheriff Animal Control wagon was rolling in right behind me. My husband left later today for a meeting and he said that the AC vehicle was parked just outside of the neighborhood, and he didn't see the dog running around the neighborhood at all.
Huskies are notorious escape artists and have a high prey drive. It will do everything in its power to escape and come back. I still wouldn't count it out as the culprit in the first attack. It will be back. Hopefully, you or your husband will be there to save the chickens. If the sheriff is already familiar with the dog, he has been a problem before. Hopefully, his owner gains a few IQ points and keeps him in from now on.

ETA: That looks like chicken wire on your run. A husky can get through chicken wire pretty easily. They are good diggers too.
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He's doing what huskys do
, heck what any dog would do when confronted with squeaking chickens

Hopefully he can find a new home where they understand his needs (run and run somemore lots of exercise and a happy husky)

Good work with the camera and thank goodness he never got his teeth on any of your birds

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