The DUMBEST thing I've ever heard somebody say about Chickens...READ!

Yeah, but think of the money you save on shampoo and you don't waste electricity on blowing your hair dry!!! You don't have "bad hair days" either--win/win!!
Yeah, but I get dull spots when I don't get an even coat of wax. What I don't spend in shampoo, I make up for in sunblock.
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You'd be surprised at how many people actually feel this way - fresh eggs are gross. My DH know eggs come from chickens but he thinks brown eggs are gross because they are not white like what you get in the store. Explaining that you can get brown eggs at the store (and I did prior to the girls laying) also does nothing to change his mind. I can't quite tell if he's joking or not but to has NOT eaten one of our fresh eggs yet.
ACTUALLY I was debating with my husband about whether chicken nuggets have actual shapes or not which lead me to do a little research on the nugs. And the term "chicken" is used rather loosely. So machine made "eggs" probably isn't that far off.

Btw I won the debate. They come in sphere boot. Tombstone. And one other shape that I forgot the name its so they fit in the box better.

McDonald's chicken nuggets are only 61% chicken...

OMG! What else is in there? *GAG*
How did this turn into cracks against blondes? I've been shaving my head for so long I can only assume it's still blonde. My beard grows in red, so what does that mean? Yes, I'm a guy
I have friends and co-workers who will not take my eggs as they are 'not clean' like the store ones...meaning they have a feather stuck to them or a piece of straw ect..

1. do they have chicks in them?
2. white eggs come from white chickens and brown from brown!
Isn't it odd how ppl are so put off by a possibly fertilized egg? (not excluding myself). I'm guessing the majority of egg eaters also eat chicken so at what point does a chicken become food? Obviously not when its stuck in an egg- as evidenced on this thread.

My husband eats balout (sp?)- he is one of very few ppl that cross that boundry.

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