The EE braggers thread!!!

Neat EE - Love seeing Columbian pop up in silvers. I myself sadly lost my most columbian-esque Silver Easter Egger, but her sister, a more traditional looking Silver, is still around.

Are they your Araucana x Wyandotte EEs? Would love to see pics.
I don't have any Wyandotte crosses.
I've got Araucana x New Hampshire though. . . The boys and girls are Blue-Golden Duckwing Araucana x New Hampshire. The blue laced red appearance is from the melanizer mixing with columbian. . . gorgeous combo makes for a wonderful mockery of blue laced red, and hey, if it were a girl it would lay green eggs!




Didn't get any recent photos of the girls, but I've got some from several pages back. They're not blue though, so they basically look like solid silver or gold birds with partridge lacing on their backs.
EE or not, its a great Easter pic!

Wouldn't it be wild if those colors and patterns in their down didn't change as they feather?

yes it would be...this is the first EE's I've had so I can't wait to see what they will turn out like.
Yes, beards also molt. They get chewed out by other hens or roosters too
- Sometimes if eaten off, they'll grow back pretty quickly. And most of the time, you just have to wait until they molt.

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