The EE braggers thread!!!

Doesn't fit in? She fits in right here
She sounds beautiful and requires a photo!

So I posted this on my auction, but I'll show it here too just for a neat visual. This is what I expect to get from my EE breeding this spring, but for now someone else will hatch it out from my eggs. Their physical appearance will differ though, being crested, bearded, or just simply bearded. Some MIGHT have feathered legs but I personally won't keep those.


I plan to keep the mottled ones and breed for the splashy mottled coloring, if not that, then just lacing - And eye for a bird with more Ameraucana type body than Polish.
I think she is too, she's gets treated like lil outcast by my flock,
I can tell she thinks she's a wheaten and wants to be with them, but I must keep her with my black coppers and they won't have anything to do with her. She stays to herself most of the time, her best friend is a white silkie hen. I'll see if I can get a picture of her this afternoon
Marans, at least mine, are a pretty dominant breed. (the french ones) True Ameraucanas are often pretty shy and submissive in comparison, and I've little experience with hatchery-based EE's so I'm assuming at least the first two there may explain it. My one "pure" McMurray EE I had was generally to herself, only hung out with a Brahma who was also rather anti-social to poultry, still is today. Loves people though, except lately.
well, if her dad was ameraucana, and mom EE, she would be EE, could you keep her with the wheatens and put a leg band on her? love to see a pic of the pretty lady...


finally had time to take pictures of my beautiful EE rooster i stole from my friend when she wasnt looking

she gave him to me for christmas

wont he make beautiful babys!!!
sorry about the quality i got them from my phone i will get better ones when i get dressed its cold outside.
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oh i just love him

he is a big guy and he is one of the youngest in my coop im hoping for better pictures later today these ones turned out kinda fuzzy didnt they

i hope he makes some pretty babys
How big would you say he is? He literally looks like a chunk of a hunk

If you want more color like him, pair him with hens that are more in the gray, white, and brown patterned shades than ones who are black, barred, or solid colors.

He really is a beaut.
oh goodness i dont know.. ill have to put him on the scale to find out. he is only 18 weeks. my friend free fed them.. so all of her chickens are quite large her longhorn is twice the size of mine

but she only has 8 chickens i have 40.. i couldnt afford to keep food in thier feeder like she does


do you think she would be a good mate canadate??
i have some white leghorns also. and some lav orphingtons. i was thinking of pairing up with him..

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