The EE braggers thread!!!

these gals came from My Pet Chicken.

my original gang came from McMurray... and I only kept 5 EE's from the 14 in that batch, then I rehomed 2, happy about the home they are in, but sorry I let them go after all... I kept the only blue EE's and one "partridge" and she got et up by a fox... so to have yellows and browns and blues and blacks is so exciting! you gotta know that I will drive y'all nuts with updates!

my 3 boys will be very happy to have 7 hens each come Spring, of my 6 LF, the EE's get the most attention, my Isis' back feathers are lookin' a bit ratty. I have a bachelor pen set up, they'll be moving in in a few days, once I know it's secure as can be predator wise...
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PRECIOUS UPDATE- so when raising just the one chick - it DEMANDS to be with you always! Helping me work & checking BYC Forum

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Well one of the FEW EE pullets I kept that hatched from a pretty blue egg and has a pea comb.... lays a great PURE BROWN egg
So much for having an EE pen this year.

That's a bummer. Brown eggs are EASY to get. Lots of breeds lay brown. Tell her she better find her water colors and get to work or else

Well I just picked up some EEs of varying ages and breeding a couple weeks ago. Took a few pics today, but not of everyone; will have to get some more another day.

first a multicolored roo hatched 8/28

A pretty black and white partridge patterned girl

These next are some of my favorite colors, EE mammas with a Lavender Orp daddy. I love how on the one the feathers are that soft grey with a gold partridge pattern edging. Like gold lace edges.

Very nice looking clucks! I think their feathers will look even prettier and more deeply patterned as they age. There was a big difference between 3 mos and 4 mos for my gold partridge pullet. So if you like them now, I'll bet you'll love them even more in a couple of months.

PRECIOUS UPDATE- so when raising just the one chick - it DEMANDS to be with you always! Helping me work & checking BYC Forum

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Glad to see Precious looking so well. That's going to be one techno-savvy velcro chicken!
PRECIOUS UPDATE- so when raising just the one chick - it DEMANDS to be with you always! Helping me work & checking BYC Forum

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Having my lunch break-relax

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That is just Awesome! Thanks for sharing. Made me chuckle and I needed that. :)
Hi all! I'm new to this thread and have 2 EE chicks that are 2 weeks old (both seem the to be the exact same brown color). Two more just came in today from a different hatchery and I'm happy that out of the 4 I now have one that looks different from the others. She has kind of crazy colors. (pictures below). Is it possible to tell what they will look like as adults? Also, my first two seem to be developing much slower than the BRs and BO chicks that came with them, are these normally slow to mature?

Hi all! I'm new to this thread and have 2 EE chicks that are 2 weeks old (both seem the to be the exact same brown color). Two more just came in today from a different hatchery and I'm happy that out of the 4 I now have one that looks different from the others. She has kind of crazy colors. (pictures below). Is it possible to tell what they will look like as adults? Also, my first two seem to be developing much slower than the BRs and BO chicks that came with them, are these normally slow to mature?

It is very likely the two that look identical as chicks will be quite different as adults. EE are notoriously hard to tell what the adult will look like from the chick. Mine didn't seem to lag behind at all, except the male was much slower to feather then the females.
Hope that isn't the reason in your case.

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