The EE braggers thread!!!

hi chicken pickin,
  i find that interesting, it seems everyone feels that about the EE's. can anyone tell me why? is it their personality or looks? or maybe both? what is it about their personalities that is so different from the other breeds? maybe i should just get six EE's?

personally I like a mixed flock makes for a nice basket although I wouldn't be opposed to all ee's.
hi trex,
that's interesting about them being vocal. are they as adults, too? are the EE's quieter? thanks
I'm not sure as these are my first barred rocks.One of the BR chicks is far more vocal than the other though.We try and check them everyday and handle them to make sure everybodies good and the BR we call Camellia just complains all the time when you seperate her from everyone else,lol!! Probably just a personality thing.
Can anyone tell me what i will get when i crossed my splash ameraucana on red newhampshire hens. I was told i would get an EE but i was wondering what colors they may turn out. They are hatching today still waiting on the first one but it is working on it!!!
You'll get some baby chicks. It's really hard to tell what colorsswill come out. According to the calculator all chicks should be blue, but I've found that doen't always hold true.
Well at first i dint think it was an EE, but Mirror one of my EEs, just started laying three days ago. I got 1 egg the first day and no egg the secong or the third day. Then i looked at the egg shell more and you can't see it in the picture that well but it is this really pale blue, like the color of her first egg. For her second egg she has ever layed i think that is pretty amazing.
A double yoked egg is usually formed when the hen releases an ovum and it gets lost or stalled along the way. The next day when she releases another ovum, it catches up with the lost or stalled one and they travel down the "pipes" together. They then become a double yoker. This happens a lot with young new layers. I'm sure it is from one of your EEs as they do lay that color egg. BTW, the record for most yokes in one egg is 9!!!!
A double yoked egg is usually formed when the hen releases an ovum and it gets lost or stalled along the way. The next day when she releases another ovum, it catches up with the lost or stalled one and they travel down the "pipes" together. They then become a double yoker. This happens a lot with young new layers. I'm sure it is from one of your EEs as they do lay that color egg. BTW, the record for most yokes in one egg is 9!!!!
9 yokes!! That must have been a really big egg. I feel bad for whatever hen had to lay that.
I have a year old EE that recently had a bout of crop impaction. It took her almost a month to start laying again afterwards, I was starting to think she was an internal layer, but her eggs went from large and blue to almost white and golf ball sized. Has anyone had this happen to their EE and if so did she ever recover and start laying normally again? She has laid 3 eggs like this in the past 2 weeks.

I'm not sure about the answer to your question, but didn't want this to get lost. Illness (and broodiness) can halt egg production, and when they start up again, the eggs will sometimes be smaller and an off color. It can take time for their system to get back on track. If she was laying normal eggs and then suddenly they went small and pale, I'd say you have a different problem. If the small/pale eggs are the first to come after her month off, I think she just needs a bit more time.

I was supposed to be picking up 4 chicks: 2 Cuckoo Marans and 2 Welsummers for my SO... but I couldn't leave these EE's at the feed store. 2+2+2 = 4, right?

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