The EE braggers thread!!!

He's gorgeous, but what is he like around people?. I had one EE that would attack me or DW if we went in the fenced in yard with him. Rooster stew, isn't a bad thing. I have 3 roos right now and all are gentleman around humans, well actually they run the other way, but the fight some among themselves.

according to his owner, he has never been aggressive to her or the hens he has

I believe this trait of aggression is an individual thing some just have or learn and others are just more gentle, kinda like some men are just mean and others are gentle. FWIW, know some women that are that way too.
Good luck with him if you decide to adopt him, he is a pretty one.
Chicken math strikes again.

The real beauty I see in my EEs is they all lay a different color egg and they are all different colors themselves, so, no matter how many of them you have, you can watch them and tell who is laying and how many they are laying, etc. With any other breed, it is not so easy. Also, try giving 24 RIRs a name and then watching them out in the yard and still being able to tell them all apart, 2 or 3 yes, but not 24. JMO.
Chicken math strikes again.

The real beauty I see in my EEs is they all lay a different color egg and they are all different colors themselves, so, no matter how many of them you have, you can watch them and tell who is laying and how many they are laying, etc. With any other breed, it is not so easy. Also, try giving 24 RIRs a name and then watching them out in the yard and still being able to tell them all apart, 2 or 3 yes, but not 24. JMO.

I've got 10 Black Coppers who all generally look like black chickens and had 10 Wyandottes who all generally looked the same and still knew them by egg color, shape, as well as voice and other characteristics.

The thing to remember though is that EE's aren't a breed
So of course, like even other mutts, I'm sure one can easily differentiate them.

I would estimate that any hatchery stock, mutts, or first generation breeders in a a large group can easily be sorted out with names and identities, however old, closed lines or top show quality stock is different, as the birds generally have to all look the same.
Jo, based on the angle of the photo I can't see that this is a crossed beak - it looks to me like just an overgrown upper beak, like an overbite. I had one EE with that and fixed it with my Dremel and a sanding drum.* Just a quick little bzzzz bzzzz and it's all fixed.

*because this is BYC, I expect somebody to come along and criticize me for using a Dremel on a chicken's beak...this is how we trimmed parrots' beaks in vet. hospitals.

Well heck, I used a pair of toenail clippers to trim a Bobwhites beak that had over grown. Clip and it was done. She went on to live 2 more years and she filed the beak back to a point over time.
yay. my EE's are hatching. 8 so far out of 40, 12 are pipping pretty good, can't see them all, but, so far hatch is going excellent.
thankyou, I am up to 13 babies now, I had 3 hatch in about 10 minutes, was a proud mama me moment. haha

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