The EE braggers thread!!!

Quote: Originally Posted by Evelle my roo is limping! Idk what happened its just gotten progressively worse

Ok, first thing is to post this in the forum under the emergency/injury section, with pics if you can. Next is to look and see if one of his 1.feet/legs look swollen at the joints, or if 2.his scales are raised up with white crud in them. Also 3.look on the bottoms of his feet and see if there is swelling, with a round black scab in the middle.

#1 option is gout. #2 option is scaley leg mites. #3 option is called bumblefoot. If he got in a fight there is also a possibility that his spur may have gotten twisted a little too, but the usual suspect in these things is the bumblefoot. I hope this helps! :)
Originally Posted by fuzzybutt love

Quote: Originally Posted by Evelle my roo is limping! Idk what happened its just gotten progressively worse

Ok, first thing is to post this in the forum under the emergency/injury section, with pics if you can. Next is to look and see if one of his 1.feet/legs look swollen at the joints, or if 2.his scales are raised up with white crud in them. Also 3.look on the bottoms of his feet and see if there is swelling, with a round black scab in the middle.

#1 option is gout. #2 option is scaley leg mites. #3 option is called bumblefoot. If he got in a fight there is also a possibility that his spur may have gotten twisted a little too, but the usual suspect in these things is the bumblefoot. I hope this helps! :)

gout??? i never even thought chickens could get that.. shows how ignorant i am :p no scaley leg mites. im a freek about bugs and things with my chickens i look at them once a week to make sure they dont have mites or anything, i checked him over yesterday. i wormed them with valz...something.. (really good multi animal wormer) for the second time this month. he's a young roo about 7 months or so. i will wash his foot to see if i can see swelling there i dont think he does but ill make sure.. thank you for you suggestions i apprecate it. and ill post it there ive looked it up with others asking the same qestion and it looked like they all sugested vitamins deficancy or worms. so i wanted to see it any of you had any suggestions other than that which i have found.. thank you again for the help will monator his progress and keep you all informed. :(

Don't feel bad- I just learned about it last month too. It happens if they get too much animal protein or salt. (I was feeding mine canned fish, to try to up the protein for the winter, oops) There is a thread on here somewhere about the gout. Also i didn't think about it earlier, but if roos are fed the hen's high calcium laying feed they can have problems too. Might be the gout again? I have a mixed crew so i feed regular feed plus oyster shell if they want it.
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Don't feel bad- I just learned about it last month too. It happens if they get too much animal protein or salt. (I was feeding mine canned fish, to try to up the protein for the winter, oops) There is a thread on here somewhere about the gout. Also i didn't think about it earlier, but if roos are fed the hen's high calcium laying feed they can have problems too. Might be the gout again? I have a mixed crew so i feed regular feed plus oyster shell if they want it.
Omg!!!! I upped there protein for winter :( I gave them a very high protein game bird feed! Plus they have been eatting loads of table scraps!!! I gave my rooster gout??? :(
Well, it's still not the most likely thing, but just in case here is a link to the info about it. I don't think the gamebird was wrong, i think that's good for the winter. some scraps should've been ok too, as long as they were getting mostly pellets. Otherwise you can imbalance their nutrition possibly. If you need any more info, PM me and i'll write you. I am thinking mabe we are hijacking this thread? :)

Here's a cute pic for the rest of you guys, of my EE rooster seranading my banty cochin as she tries to lay her first egg today:
When you garden w/ EE's you never garden alone.

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I have 4 babies and expecting more to hatch in the next couple days. But I had to post pics of the ones I have now!
Babies I am waiting to hatch are from my bantam Lavender weaton wild type gal and her Porcelain D'Uccle man.


3. Ameraucana cross = EE

4. Ameraucana x Faverolle = Awesome 5 toed green legged EE
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