The Hatch That BYC Built (aka Frieda vs. the Brinsea!) (Warning--pic heavy)

Frieda hasn't hatched any. There are two plus a pip in the 'bator.

Ok, I get it now you were saying ready to come out of the bator. I'm slooowww

Any chance you can put Freida's eggs in the incubator?
First and second chick in the 'bator before taking First to the brooder (the other isn't dry yet) and after I clipped the small bit of membrane stuck to fluff, removing the cap.


I've got Frieda's eggs in a carton, warming up to room temp. I'll put them in the incubator then.
I have brought Frieda's eggs to room temp, candled them to try to figure out which were the most developed (some had drawn down before they got cold
), picked the nest material off (the only disadvantage to using shredded paper as nesting material--when it gets wet, it sticks. After it dries, it can really stick...), and rubbed off what dried mud I could with a dry washcloth (we just ran out of paper towels and napkins...). I set 6--4 BCM and 2 Sulmtalers. I had 2 BCM and 1 Sulmtaler left over. The leftover Sulmtaler was clear, so no problem keeping that out. The 2 leftover BCM could have gone in, had I room, but they were the 2 that weren't dark all the way down, so I'm OK with the fact that there just wasn't any more room.

The Brinsea took less than 5 minutes to get back up to temp after adding 6 room temperature eggs.

As far as what was already in there, the chick I helped this morning is doing well--it will definitely be joining its sibling under the heating pad in the morning. It had managed to get a scratch on its leg, but I got cornstarch on, and it clotted nicely. The scratch is under down, so it should be hidden once there's fluffiness instead of stringiness (takes forever to dry in high humidity, which makes sense, though I'd never thought about it...) The egg that had a tiny pip last night has what looks like 3 tiny pips now
I'll get a pic and post it in my next post. No other pips.

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