The (Online Game) Thread!

I joined 7ish years ago, of course, that account is now gone. My new one is
Peep-Chicken. I'm working on breeding thoroughbreds, Akal-Tekes and eventually Friesians!
Anyone have a really awesome Lusitano dude I could get a covering from?
65+ Dressage stars. Or pretty much anything with really good dressage, I am breeding for that more than anything else at the moment.

I am also selling a couple pretty soon but I don't wanna get cheated out, anyone know what a 3600+ Skill with a 1030+ Dressage etc, Lusti goes for?
Not the best, but I am working up der'. :p I have seen them go for pretty cheap and insanely much, blargh.
I have no real experience selling either, except whenever I have the person that gets it always double or triples my price and sells it again right after! :th

(I got it on the right thread this time, HA)
I really hope this thread hasn't died! I just started playing Howrse again after taking a break for several months (I'm ChasingDreams). I mainly breed Gypsy Vanners, but will eventually start breeding Friesians as well.

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