The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Ok well I took a few pics the other day and none came out really great but here's a bit of an update

They got some scratch to bribe them to be still. The one on the far left is my hatchery broody. She's eyeing Mr. Harry for some more paybacks!

Decided to try a top down comparison to the 5 gallon bucket thing. Only he wouldn't stand right by the bucket. Oh well.

All in all, I'd say thedragonlady did great with these guys. Cleo is laying a lovely pinkish egg every day and they are indeed fertile so I'm collecting them and will be thrilling my broody to death with a gift of real eggs to hatch in the next day or so.

ETA: They are 24 weeks old.
Thanks Sarah ! And thank you for raising them so beautifully. Harry and Cleo's babies will be 75% English, and hopefully keep their tails ! FiFi looks great. All healed up from the hawk attack.
Ok well I took a few pics the other day and none came out really great but here's a bit of an update

They got some scratch to bribe them to be still. The one on the far left is my hatchery broody. She's eyeing Mr. Harry for some more paybacks!

Decided to try a top down comparison to the 5 gallon bucket thing. Only he wouldn't stand right by the bucket. Oh well.



All in all, I'd say thedragonlady did great with these guys. Cleo is laying a lovely pinkish egg every day and they are indeed fertile so I'm collecting them and will be thrilling my broody to death with a gift of real eggs to hatch in the next day or so.

ETA: They are 24 weeks old.

Wow did they ever fill out more rubber bands and chewing gum.. they look goodness what a change since the last pics..

Dee, next year you will see it start patient..lots of good things coming your way.
I apologize if this has been posted before but its rather difficult to weed through 1500 posts. However is there anyone breeding Large fowl silver laced Orps yet? I have emails into a trusted orp breeder I know but I don't know that she has them. Feel free to PM me so I get your message

Thanks in advance!
I have 26 eggs in the bator now from pure imported birds. I only know of 3 people that have these in the US so maybe and am thinking only started pairs will be released to begin with a little later this year. I was just super lucky to get mine thanks to a friend. U may look for American project birds but not really sure how that's going cause I only like the English type but those will prob b cheaper this year. Im not counting mine b4 they hatch.

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