The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Jeremy, Ive had this conversation so many times I forget where all ive done it.

Krista, if you want to make Crele then the best way i can think of, if you cant get partridge orps, is to use Welsummers or Dorkings to get the BBR gene.
You cant entirely make Crele from Golden Cuckoo Marans, Golden Cuckoo Marans is Barred Black Copper, where Crele is Barred BBR or Partridge. Marc might have imported some GL but im not sure, I know he has Blue Laced.

marc has gold laced and blue laced they are verry inpresive birds
Wanted to share some more pics of our project chicks I took today. These are a little younger (about 3 months old). These chicks were not crossed from the Lemon Cuckoos so their color is a bit darker.
(The one cockerel decided to visit the 'big boys'

The birds that I bring in will be 1st class birds such as these. I import from Sandy at Orpingtons Galore and there will be some stunning birds to follow up later in 2012 and 2013.

Yes I do have the cuckoo (in bantam) - and other bantam project colors in the works...all english bantams......there will be LF chocs and LF cuckoos arriving later this year. :)

Sorry about the lack of pics - the days are short here and when I get in - it is dark...... the weekends have been filled with working on my coop, preparing orders to ship and working on my websites.... not a lazy bone here. :)

In the midst of that - I have a 3 year old daughter that is just fascinated that so many people want her birds. LOL

These crele that I posted are owned by a Steve Masenhove? Not sure of the last name. Said he's gathered the best he could from a number of sources which doesn't mean Mr. Follows hasn't had his hand in the mix. But not supposed to be Follows own birds. Richard, we do not know each other so I hope you'll not take my question wrong as it comes from honest interest; the color IS beautiful but will your expected imports be THE TYPE of the birds seen here? One can tool around online and find crele colored Orpingtons but these were striking for type as well as color. Also wondered if you have cuckoo already imported and if so any photos to share? Somewhere along the line I got the idea that you already have the cuckoos.
Great color on that roo. I have had a hard time getting any GC marans males that show the gold that young. The girls look just like my shoulder babies- must have hatched about the same time.
I now can post on this thread! I now have English Double Barred Lemon Cuckoo Orpingtons and Chocolate Orpingtons! I got my Lemon Cuckoos a few weeks ago and I got a Pair of Chocolate Orpingtons today!


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