The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

Like everyone has said, they're mixed.

I don't blame the seller though, they could just be ignorant about the way genetics work.

I blame the originator (whoever Greg at Old Orchard Farms is) for misleading buyers the begin with.
Oh my. So, if you take varied group of chickens and cross them all up, what do you get?? Well, what do you get? You get a bunch of mixed up chickens. That's what you get. Shame on anyone who tries to sell them off as something special. It appears like a lack of space for these birds. They get all mixed up and considered something like a "Special mix". If they were dogs, they would be considered mutts. In this case there calling them a trifecta. Oh wow, a "trifecta". A "trifecta" is a gamble in horse racing terms, meaning 1st, 2nd, or 3rd. This is a play (or gamble) on what you will get from the crossing of these mixed up chicken breeds. Who knows what they have thrown in the breeding pen? Buyers: Do you're homework. Sellers: Stop misleading ignorant buyers. Ignorant buyers: Just stop and learn. This has been going on for a long time on Ebay. It just needs to stop. You sellers know who you are. Or do you? Perhaps, you don't even know. You can't cross a mutt with a mutt and get a good line. Shame on you careless sellers. Know that you have good lines if that's what you claim to sell. I'm Phantom_Rooster signing out.
Oh my. So, if you take varied group of chickens and cross them all up, what do you get?? Well, what do you get? You get a bunch of mixed up chickens. That's what you get. Shame on anyone who tries to sell them off as something special. It appears like a lack of space for these birds. They get all mixed up and considered something like a "Special mix". If they were dogs, they would be considered mutts. In this case there calling them a trifecta. Oh wow, a "trifecta". A "trifecta" is a gamble in horse racing terms, meaning 1st, 2nd, or 3rd. This is a play (or gamble) on what you will get from the crossing of these mixed up chicken breeds. Who knows what they have thrown in the breeding pen? Buyers: Do you're homework. Sellers: Stop misleading ignorant buyers. Ignorant buyers: Just stop and learn. This has been going on for a long time on Ebay. It just needs to stop. You sellers know who you are. Or do you? Perhaps, you don't even know. You can't cross a mutt with a mutt and get a good line. Shame on you careless sellers. Know that you have good lines if that's what you claim to sell. I'm Phantom_Rooster signing out.

This is an unfortunate thing that is happening to Orps for the last few years. people that don't know what they are doing are putting different breeds into Orps like RIR and New Hampshires to get some of these colors. The shapes of the birds being used are completely different in body type and other characteristics. Like the Marans and other breeds that appeal to newcomers ,the breeds are basically being ruined by people that don't know what they are doing nor do they care. There goal is simply to make money on chickens.

Beware of all these new colors.......this is why the offspring can look like most anything. All this will destroy the look of the British Orps eventually. How these folks can call themselves "breeders" I will never know. It is very easy to put two chickens together and make chicks. It is very hard to put them together and make a better bird.

thank you Walt..this has been bothering me.. adding birds that were never a foundation breed.. i have seen a few around and really struggled to figure out what it was supposed to be..everything about it was wrong..i think it was a maran cross.and they were showing it..nice looking just was not a big ol orp.frame wrong but had orp eye.
thank you Walt..this has been bothering me.. adding birds that were never a foundation breed.. i have seen a few around and really struggled to figure out what it was supposed to be..everything about it was wrong..i think it was a maran cross.and they were showing it..nice looking just was not a big ol orp.frame wrong but had orp eye.

The first place you will notice these hybrids is their lack of lower chest depth. People that know what they are doing would never cross a rectangular bird to a round type bird. Those "sunset" Orps are a good example of the junk folks are producing to try to make money. These fly by night propagators of chickens will ruin the British Orpingtons!

morning orp lovers,
I was just wondering is any of you recognized this pic,its an add for sale of some nice orps I called but no answer yet
I was not aware we had some nice buffs here in fl

The picture belongs to Tim Daniels of the
I am fairly certain that is not the person listing them in FL.
I just lost my post when I tried adding a picture so I am going to start with the pictures and then ask questions if the pictures go through. The photobombing Easter Egger hen provides a good size comparison for the Orpington rooster I want to know about.


I have more pictures but all were taken with a phone camera so they are hard to get still shots with the shutter delay. He was kept on straw before I got him and he is still molting out his stained feathers so I am basically concerned about his type, not his color (he does not have red leakage). I know he came from eggs that were purchased online from someone "out East" (living on the West side of Washington state makes it difficult to narrow down a breeder from that description) and I don't have a mature rooster to compare him with, only my Korfus Klucker hens. The light blue hen pictured with him is not one of my Korfus hens but she, and some other blue and black hens, came with him when I got them from the person who was selling eggs and chicks from him.

I have some dilute splash pullets that I got before I got him but they still have some growing to do and they will need a blue or black rooster since they are from splash to splash breeding. The chicks I have hatched from him look good next to my Korfus hatches but they have some growing out to do before I can decide which ones to keep. I have a young splash rooster that is still growing to replace this guy as long as he matures nicely but all I know abou him is he is from a rooster that has won shows (not sure how big the shows were or what his competition was). I don't plan on showing but I want show quality chickens so I need to know if he has good English type. His comb has thicker shorter spikes than I have seen on other roosters so I want to be sure he was not misrepresented to me. I have finally caught up with this thread after months of reading so I have studied pictures posted and read comments. I have favored the Easter Eggers until I started hatching Orpingtons and now I have fallen in love with the Orpingtons.

I did hatch some American type lavender Orpingtons that must have been projects so I sold them all because they did not compare with my BBS Orpingtons. They were much nicer than most lavenders I have seen but seeing them grow next to my BBS did not impress me enough to want to keep them for myself. I like the large basketball shape of the Orpingtons and the size of the chickens and the eggs makes them desirable, not to mention the fluff and lacing! I want to be sure I am hatching out nice quality chicks or it is not worth the effort.
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